Determining your specific health insurance needs and choosing a plan that is best for you and your family––and your pocketbook––can be a daunting task, but it's a necessary one. Without insurance, one serious illness or accident could wipe you out financially. Married or single, children or no children, health insurance is simply one of those necessities of modern life that you must have in order to protect yourself.
Under the Affordable Care Act, which was signed into law in March 2010, health care is now more attainable and affordable for Americans than ever before. Some of these provisions are already in effect, and others will start in 2014. But the better you understand these changes and the way they may benefit you and your family, the better your chances of being able to take advantage of them. Some of the key changes are explained below.
Most people get health insurance through their employer or their spouse's employer. This is called group insurance because a group of individuals––the employees––are insured. If you are self-employed or don't work for a company that offers insurance, you might be able to obtain health insurance through membership in a labor union, professional association, club or other organization. Going through a group will probably be less expensive than getting an individual policy; it may also provide broader coverage.
But it is very important that people investigate whichever club, association or organization is offering the insurance plan to ensure that it is solvent and reliable.
You can contact an insurance agent––perhaps the agent who provides your car or home insurance––or research various companies by contacting their sales departments or reading about them on the Internet. Your state probably has an insurance commission or department that can provide a list of insurers (look in the government listings section of your phone book or search online); some agencies even provide information on the number of complaints filed against specific companies.
Health insurance is so important that the federal government passed a law called the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) that allows for coverage through an employer (with at least 20 employees) to be continued for up to 18 months under a variety of conditions. (In some cases, certain qualifying events, or a second qualifying event during your initial period of coverage, may permit you to receive a maximum of 36 months of coverage.) Additionally, many states have passed so-called mini-COBRA laws that apply similar requirements to employers with fewer employees. The conditions vary from state to state but usually include:
In these cases, this law requires the health plan, including self-insured plans typically offered by most large employers, to continue your coverage for up to 36 months (which varies depending on the state you live in and the reason you lost coverage). The amount you pay for the insurance will be higher because the employer is not required to pay any part of the premium for you; you will need to pay the entire premium plus an additional 2 percent for administrative expenses.
As part of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), insurance carriers cannot cancel coverage unless:
The federal government also has passed the first-ever federal privacy standards to protect patients' medical records and other health information provided to health plans, health care professionals, hospitals and other health care providers.
Developed as part of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and effective since 2003, these standards provide patients with access to their medical records and more control over how their personal health information is used and disclosed. Patients are protected with the following key provisions:
Whether you are offered a choice of plans through an employer or are looking to purchase an individual policy, you need to compare options and costs because they vary from company to company. Even if your employer doesn't provide a choice, you need to understand what kind of protection your health plan provides and what you will need to do to get the health care services you need.
There are three main types of health insurance, and sometimes employers offer one plan of each type from which you can choose. Both your needs and your budget will help determine which type of plan you select.
Many Americans do not have health insurance either because they cannot afford it or because their employer doesn't provide it. If you find yourself in this position, there are services that can help you get the health care you may need for your family––from preventive care and paying for prescription medications to low-cost services to manage existing conditions.
Under the Affordable Care Act, young adults are allowed to stay on their parents' plans until they turn 26. This does not apply if your son or daughter is offered insurance at work. Some states have their own laws, which allow children up to the age of 30 to remain on their parents' plans.
Fee-For-Service or Indemnity Insurance
Under a fee-for-service plan, you and your insurance company each pay a portion of your health care expenses. (Keep in mind not all health care services may be covered. Read the policy closely to determine what is covered and what isn't.) This type of insurance offers the widest choice of health care professionals and hospitals; usually you can go to any health care professional or hospital you want.
You pay a premium or monthly fee to the insurance company. You have a deductible, or an amount you must spend on covered health care services out of your own pocket each year before the insurance company starts paying. The deductible can range from relatively low sums such as $250 to more than $1,000 per individual or more per family, per calendar year. Women, particularly older women, are most likely to have higher deductibles. The higher the deductible, the lower your premium.
After you have paid your deductible for the year, the insurance company begins paying for part––usually about 80 percent––of your covered health care services. You will pay the other portion, which is called coinsurance. Most plans offer a cap on the amount you will have to pay for medical bills in any one year. When you reach the cap––which can range from about $1,000 to about $5,000 in one year––through both your deductible and coinsurance, the insurance company begins paying 100 percent of covered services. (Your premium does not count toward the cap.)
As an example, let's say you had an enlarged gallbladder that needed to be removed. The illness required a doctor's visit and tests, an overnight hospital stay with related care, surgery and the services of a surgeon, and prescription medications. The grand total is $6,000. You have a $500 deductible, which you pay, leaving $5,500. The insurance company pays 80 percent of that, or $4,400, leaving you a balance of $1,100. Your total cost (over and above the insurance premium): $1,600. If you'd already met your deductible, your cost would be 20 percent of the $6,000, or $1,200.
Be sure the policy covers the types of services you or your covered family members might need. Some policies don't cover, for example, psychological services, drug or alcohol treatment, preventive health care coverage, immunizations or well-child care or even specific conditions or illnesses such a pregnancy and delivery. If a type of service is not covered, you will have to pay 100 percent of the bill, and the money you pay will not be counted toward your deductible or your cap.
One caveat: most insurance plans pay only the "usual (or reasonable) and customary fee" for services and have predetermined what that amount is. If your health care professional charges more than that, you will be expected to pay 100 percent of the difference, regardless of deductible or cap. You can speak to your health care professional in advance to determine if he or she will charge the reasonable and customary fee or more.
Fee-for-service is usually the most expensive type of coverage, but it does have some benefits:
Health Maintenance Organizations
Purchasing a health insurance policy under a health maintenance organization (HMO) is similar to joining a buying club. You pay a monthly premium, and the HMO provides care for you (and your family members if they are covered)––including visits to health care professionals, hospital stays, emergency care, surgery, lab tests, X-rays, etc.––through a network of professionals and hospitals. If the HMO has contracted with individual physician offices to provide care to its insured members at a reduced rate and pays them a set fee per HMO member, regardless of how much that member uses health services, this is called an independent practice association (IPA) network. When you purchase your policy, you will be given a list of participating IPAs from which you can choose to seek care. HMOs develop networks by contracting with IPAs. They also develop networks by contracting with medical group practices or even individual practices. These latter physicians are not part of an IPA. Under another scenario, the HMO hires health care professionals, paying their salaries directly.
In any case, you will choose or be assigned a primary health care professional who provides most of your medical care, referring you to specialists and other health care professionals as needed. In the case of an "open access" HMO, you do not have to obtain a referral, but you may pay a higher co-payment to see a specialist. As with fee-for-service plans, you need to read policies carefully to determine what services will be covered and what won't. Outpatient mental health care, for example, is usually only provided on a limited basis.
As part of an HMO, you present a card (instead of having to fill out forms) and pay a small fixed co-payment––typically about $10 per doctor visit and $25 per hospital emergency room treatment, for example––and the HMO pays everything else (as long as it's covered under the policy). There are no deductibles to worry about.
Going back to our gallbladder illness example, your out-of-pocket expenses would consist only of the small co-payments, say $10 for the doctor visit and tests; $25 for the hospital stay, surgery and related care and tests; and $5 for the generic prescription medications, for a grand total of $40.
While the costs are lower and more predictable than under a fee-for-service plan, there are some drawbacks:
Some HMOs offer an option called a point-of-service (POS) plan. Under a POS plan, if an HMO doctor refers you to a health care professional outside of the plan, the HMO still pays all or most of the bill. In addition, if you choose to go to an outside provider without a referral, there will usually be some insurance coverage. But in both instances, you will pay a larger share of the bill than if you had remained within the network.
Preferred Provider Organizations
A preferred provider organization (PPO) is a combination of a traditional fee-for-service plan and an HMO. Like an HMO, for the fullest coverage, you are limited to health care professionals (sometimes called network or preferred providers) with which the plan has contracted. The PPO usually has a wider list of health care professionals from which to choose who have agreed to charge the PPO's usual and customary fees. Like an HMO, you have a co-payment for each doctor visit or hospital admittance. The co-payment is sometimes a little higher than that of an HMO––the average co-pay is $22 per physician visit and $31 for a specialist visit, for example. There may also be a deductible like in a fee-for-service plan.
If you choose a health care professional outside the plan, you will still receive some coverage but the amount will vary. You will have to pay the rest of the bill yourself.
Using the gallbladder illness example, your out-of-pocket expenses may consist of $15 for the first doctor visit, $35 for the hospital stay and $10 for the prescription drugs, for a total of $60. If you decided to use a surgeon who was not in the PPO network, though, you would be expected to pay a percentage––say 50 percent––of his or her fee, which could add several hundred more dollars to your expenses.
A Word About Managed Care
Almost all plans––with the exception of some traditional indemnity plans––have some sort of managed care program to help control costs. Managed care is designed to provide high-quality care at the lowest cost possible. This includes a detailed plan with a set of rules to be followed by the patient. In HMOs, for example, the role of the primary care physician as "gatekeeper" is designed as a care-management tool. Other managed care tools include hospital preadmission requirements and drug formularies. A formulary is a listing of drugs covered by the health plan, usually arrayed in tiers, with each tier having a different patient cost-sharing obligation. For some tiers, for example, non-preferred brand name drugs, the patient coinsurance may be quite high, while the coinsurance for generic brands may be quite low.
While it's received a lot of "bad press" over the years, managed care can benefit the insured by helping you to receive both preventive care––for example, regular Pap tests––as well as helping you to effectively and regularly manage and monitor chronic illnesses such as diabetes so they don't lead to serious complications. Another purpose is to avoid unnecessary care. The key to making sure you are not denied the health services you need under the guise of "managed care" is to be a proactive consumer. Know in advance what health services you are entitled to, and understand and follow the process for filing complaints if you feel you are not getting those services.
A New Development: Consumer-Driven Healthcare
Some health care insurers have started to offer high-deductible plans with deductibles of $1,000 and higher. They work best for the healthy and wealthy.
Health savings accounts (HSAs) were passed as part of the Medicare prescription bill in 2003. They allow people who buy high-deductible plans to open a savings account to save pretax dollars to use for uncovered care. These accounts can be rolled over, which means that, unlike some other tax-advantaged savings accounts, funds do not have to be spent in the year they are deposited and can be left to accumulate over time. Again, these will work best for the healthy and wealthy.
Since they were introduced, HSAs have become increasingly popular. A survey conducted by America's Health Insurance Plans revealed that the number of people covered by high-deductible HSAs rose to 10 million in January 2010, up 25 percent from January 2009. The fastest growing market for HSAs during this time period was large group coverage.
Other Types Of Insurance
There may be other types of health insurance available to you or your family, including:
Though not a health care insurance plan, The National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program does ensure that underserved women have access to screening tests for breast and cervical cancer. Mammography screening and Pap tests can help identify these cancers at early stages, when treatment has a better chance of success. Services are provided either for free or on a sliding scale, based on your income. For information about access in your area, call: 1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636) or visit the website at www.cdc.gov/cancer/NBCCEDP/.
Under the Affordable Care Act, all group and individual market insurance plans that are not "grandfathered" (those created after March 23, 2010) must provide a set of preventive care services and immunizations for free, from the start of the new plan year after September 23, 2010. Medicare is also required to provide these services for free to its enrollees, as well as an annual wellness visit. The preventive services covered include:
For a full list, see www.healthcare.gov/coverage/preventive-care-benefits/.
How To Choose An Insurance Plan
Features of different plans––what is covered, what is excluded, costs, co-payments, hospitalizations and prescription drugs––and the amount of paperwork you have to complete each time you see a health care professional vary widely. How can you possibly know what's best? While there's no way to predict with certainty your health care needs and expenditures for the coming year, there is a way to get a feel for which type of plan might be most appropriate.
First, look at your medical and insurance records from last year as a guide to what services you might use this year. Second, consider special situations. Are you in your childbearing years? If so, you need (and in some cases may be required to get) maternity coverage. Are you at the age where you need an annual or biannual mammogram or other cancer screening tests? Do you have children who need well-child visits and immunizations? Do you or any family members have any medical histories that predispose you to certain conditions? Do you want to make sure you have mental health services available to you or your family? Do you feel strongly about using particular doctors or hospitals?
Using last year's records, you can plug in the dollar figures you would have spent under the various plans you may be considering, starting with the annual premium and deductible (if there is one) and then adding on coinsurance or co-payments for doctor visits, hospital stays and prescription drugs.
Before signing up with any insurer you might also want to see whether its customers have lodged many complaints by visiting "Consumer Information Source" at the National Association of Insurance Commissioners site (www.naic.org/).
Other Special Situations
Are you planning to get married soon? Get all the details on your spouse's plan and how it works, how much you'll have to pay to be added onto the policy, what it covers and excludes, etc. Also, there may be a special enrollment period––a particular time of the year during which you can be added to the plan. Consider how you will be covered until then.
Do you have a medical condition?
Under HIPAA, pre-existing conditions can be excluded under a new policy for a maximum of 12 months (18 months if you are a late enrollee, meaning that you sign up for a group health insurance plan at a later date than when you are first eligible) within a group coverage policy only. (In some cases, this time limit can be reduced further; contact your state's insurance office to find out how.) HIPAA also restricts insurance companies from looking back farther than six months for a condition that was present before the start of coverage in a group health plan.
The federal Affordable Care Act offers further protection for Americans with preexisting conditions. A new program called the Pre-Existing Conditions Insurance Plan (PCIP) makes health insurance available to all Americans who have been denied health insurance by private insurance companies due to a preexisting condition. The program provides a health insurance coverage option if you have been uninsured for at least six months, you have a preexisting condition or you have been denied health insurance coverage because of a medical problem, and you are a U.S. citizen or reside in the United States legally.
The Affordable Care Act also bans insurers from rescinding coverage when someone gets sick, and it bans placing lifetime limits on claims. Annual benefit limits are being phased out and will be banned completely in 2014.
For children, insurance companies are no longer allowed to deny coverage of a preexisting condition or to exclude those conditions from coverage.
Do you have a chronic illness?
If you have an illness that requires special care, you need to determine how a plan you might purchase handles care by specialists. If it's an HMO or PPO, is your specialist on their approved list? In addition, if your illness or condition requires you to take prescription medications, you need to determine how much the plan makes you pay for those. Are prescription medications covered, and what will your co-payment be? High deductible plans are not good choices for those with chronic illnesses.
Are you pregnant or are you going to become pregnant?
Health care plans cannot consider pregnancy a pre-existing condition, so if you aren't covered now or want to change, you won't have to be concerned about the maternity care being excluded under such a clause unless you have individual, not group, coverage. Find out how to enroll your new baby under your policy and be sure to do so before any enrollment period ends (it may be within 30 days after birth, for example). Policies cannot consider any illnesses or conditions in your infant to be pre-existing conditions if you enroll the baby during this period. It's important to cover newborns immediately to take advantage of this. The same policies apply to any children you adopt. Then, find out if the plan covers well-baby care and immunizations. If not, you should budget for these expenses.
If you have individual coverage, however, beware. Many insurance plans purchased on the individual market do not include maternity coverage except at additional cost, and even then the restrictions are great and the benefits very thin. This will change in 2014, when the new health care reform law will restrict insurers from being able to discriminate based on preexisting conditions, and all individual and small group plans will be required to provide an essential benefits package, which must include maternity coverage. Until then, keep this restriction in mind if you plan to become pregnant and have an individual insurance plan. Or check to see if you are eligible for the new Pre-existing Conditions Insurance Plan, which covers adults who cannot obtain health insurance due to a pre-existing condition.
Is your child soon to outgrow dependent status?
Under the Affordable Care Act, young adults are allowed to stay on their parents' plans until they turn 26. This right does not apply if your son or daughter is offered insurance at work, however. Some states have their own laws, which allow children up to the age of 30 to remain on parents' plans. If your child is about to lose dependent-child status, find out how to elect COBRA coverage, if that's your plan, and be sure to file the paperwork within the time limit of 60 days. If you still haven't heard if your child can get an individual insurance policy, opt for the COBRA to protect their HIPAA guaranteed access right. They can always switch later.
Are you getting ready to retire?
You'll need to determine what health benefits will extend to you and your spouse during your retirement years. If you are with a private insurer at that time, find out what will happen when you retire. Federal law requires health plans to provide at least a 60-day election period (with the clock beginning on either the date you lose coverage or the date you receive notice of your right to choose COBRA, whichever is later). Will there be gaps between the end of that coverage and the time you will be eligible for Medicare and Medigap insurance coverage? Have you budgeted for Medicare Part B and Medigap in your retirement plan?
If you are planning to retire early, the Affordable Care Act will help you avoid paying high insurance rates. To preserve employer coverage for early retirees until more affordable coverage becomes available in 2014, the new law provides financial support to employment-based plans. This money helps these plans continue to provide coverage to people who retire between the ages of 55 and 65 and to their spouses and dependants.
If you are considering plans from various insurance companies, you might want to check the financial stability of each company; you want to make sure your insurance company will have the ability to pay your claims. You can check insurance company ratings through a number of companies: A.M. Best Company rates insurance companies in terms of their financial stability; its website (www.ambest.com) describes its rating system and provides ratings online. Other ratings companies that provide free information online include: Moody's Investors Service, Standard & Poor's and Weissratings.com.
Because HMOs, PPOs and indemnity plans are regulated by federal and/or state agencies, you can compare the quality of various health plans by inquiring about them at your State Department of Health or Insurance Commission. Additionally, several national organizations, such as the National Committee for Quality Assurance, review and accredit plans and institutions. Look in the insurance company's literature to see if it has a process for ensuring good medical care, for example by reviewing its own services and having a procedure in place to resolve problems or complaints. Another resource is business or consumer organizations that put together report cards detailing various aspects of quality such as member satisfaction, how many of the plan's health care professionals are board certified, how the plan follows up on test results, etc. The American Medical Association also puts together a National Health Insurer Report Card.
Getting The Most From Your Plan
Here are some tips for getting the best care:
Despite your best research and effort, there may be times when you do not get satisfactory care or service. In this case, you need to know how to complain and what your rights are. Contact the member services department of your plan for more information or to file a complaint. Be sure to keep copies of all your claim forms and bills and all correspondence. In addition, keep records of phone calls, noting the date, time, person you spoke with and the nature of the call. If your problem isn't resolved, you can contact your state insurance commission.
If You Don't Have Insurance
As more and more Americans become unemployed or self-employed, more individuals are losing access to group health insurance. If you fall into this category, realize that you do have options.
Every state in the United States has a program specifically for infants, children and teenagers in need of health insurance coverage called Insure Kids Now. This program covers prescription medications, doctors' visits, and other necessary medical services for little or no cost. Although the specific eligibility rules vary, most states will cover uninsured children ages 18 or younger whose families earn $45,000 or less per year for a family of four. For more information on Insure Kids Now, or to research whether or not your family is eligible, go to www.insurekidsnow.gov or call 1-877-KIDS-NOW.
Another option for you or your family if you are below certain income limits and do not have health insurance is Medicaid. All states' Medicaid programs cover hospital and outpatient care, home health services and doctor services. However, in some states, Medicaid requires that you pay a co-payment for some services. For more information on Medicaid and to find out whether or not you and your family are eligible, go to the Medicaid website at www.CMS.gov.
Review the following Questions to Ask about health insurance so you're prepared to discuss this important health issue.
For all types of plans:
If the plan is an HMO or PPO:
For information and support on Health Insurance, please see the recommended organizations and Spanish-language resources listed below.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Website: https://www.ahrq.gov
Address: Office of Communications and Knowledge Transfer
540 Gaither Road, Suite 2000
Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 301-427-1364
America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP)
Website: https://www.ahip.org
Address: 601 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
South Building, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20004
Phone: 202-778-3200
Email: ahip@ahip.org
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Website: https://www.cms.gov/
Address: 7500 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21244
Hotline: 1-877-267-2323
Phone: 410-786-3000
Consumer Coalition for Quality Health Care
Website: https://www.consumers.org
Address: 1612 K St., Suite 400
Washington, DC 20006
Phone: 202-789-3606
Families USA
Website: https://www.familiesusa.org
Address: 1201 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-628-3030
Email: info@familiesusa.org
Healthcare Leadership Council (HLC)
Website: https://www.hlc.org
Address: 1001 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W., Suite 550 South
Washington, DC 20004
Phone: 202-452-8700
Joint Commission
Website: https://www.jointcommission.org
Address: One Renaissance Blvd.
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181
Phone: 630-792-5000
Website: https://www.medicare.gov
Address: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 21244
Hotline: 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227)
National Coalition on Health Care
Website: https://www.nchc.org
Address: 1200 G Street, NW, Suite 810
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-638-7151
Email: info@nchc.org
National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA)
Website: https://www.ncqa.org
Address: 1100 13th St., NW, Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20005
Hotline: 1-888-275-7585
Phone: 202-955-3500
Email: customersupport@ncqa.org
National Partnership for Women & Families
Website: https://www.nationalpartnership.org
Address: 1875 Conneticut Avenue, NW, Suite 650
Washington, DC 20009
Phone: 202-986-2600
Email: info@nationalpartnership.org
National Patient Advocate Foundation
Website: https://www.npaf.org
Address: 725 15th Street, NW, Tenth Floor
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-347-8009
Email: action@npaf.org
National Women's Health Network (NWHN)
Website: https://www.nwhn.org
Address: 1413 K Street, NW, 4th floor
Washington, DC 20005
Hotline: 202-682-2646
Phone: 202-682-2640
Email: nwhn@nwhn.org
Patient Advocate Foundation
Website: https://www.patientadvocate.org
Address: 700 Thimble Shoals Blvd, Suite 200
Newport News, VA 23606
Hotline: 1-800-532-5274
Email: help@patientadvocate.org
Spanish-language resources
MedlinePlus: Health Insurance
Website: https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/spanish/healthinsurance.html
Address: Customer Service
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20894
Email: custserv@nlm.nih.gov
Agency for Healthcare Research
Website: https://www.ahrq.gov/topics/informacion-en-espanol/index.html
Address: Customer Service
540 Gaither Road, Suite 2000
Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 301-427-1364
Email: ahrqpubs@ahrq.hhs.gov
HealthyWomen content is for informational purposes only. Please consult your healthcare provider for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.