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Prevention & Screenings

The Good, the Bad, and the Bathroom Dash: What to Do Before and After Your Colonoscopy

The Good, the Bad, and the Bathroom Dash: What to Do Before and After Your Colonoscopy

The colonoscopy and the recovery are usually easy. The day before? Get ready for a memorable evening in the bathroom.

Kate Walsh

Kate Walsh Wants You to Get Screened for Cancer

After years of playing a doctor on TV, the award-winning actress is raising awareness about a new blood test that screens for more than 50 different types of cancer

Katelyn Jetelina

15 Minutes With: Katelyn Jetelina, Ph.D., Talks Viruses, Vaccines and Avoiding the Bird Flu

Epidemiologist Katelyn Jetelina was named one of Time magazine’s most influential people in health. Here’s what she wants you to know about viruses and vaccines.

HPV Vaccination Around the World Infographic

HPV Vaccination Around the World

Across the globe, the HPV vaccine is helping to prevent cervical cancer — but the U.S. could be doing more

doctor using a digital tablet during a consultation with a senior woman

How Shared Decision-Making Can Lead to Better Healthcare

How and why to partner with your healthcare providers to make informed healthcare decisions

HPV Vaccination Around the World Infographic

La vacunación contra el VPH en todo el mundo

En todo el mundo, la vacuna contra el VPH es útil para prevenir el cáncer cervical, pero EE.UU. podría hacer más

COVID-19 Vaccination written on a calendar page

Covid Vaccine Schedule for Older Adults & Immunocompromised People

It’s important for older adults and people with weakened immune systems to stay up to date on Covid vaccines. Read the latest recommendations.

woman coughing while walking

Why Are More Non-Smokers Getting Lung Cancer?

Smoking is the biggest risk factor for lung cancer, but environmental pollutants could be driving a rise in younger non-smokers

Bowel cancer home test kits

Your Guide to Colon Cancer Screening Tests

Knowing your colon cancer test options may help you decide which one is right for you

woman coughing while walking

¿Por qué personas que no fuman están desarrollando cáncer pulmonar?

Fumar es el factor de riesgo más importante de cáncer pulmonar, pero contaminantes medioambientales podrían estar impulsando un incremento de esta enfermedad en personas más jóvenes que no fuman

Bowel cancer home test kits

Guía de pruebas para la detección de cáncer de colon

Saber qué opciones tienes de pruebas de cáncer de colon podría ser útil para que decidas cuál es la adecuada para ti

friends having fun, drinking bottled beer together

Happy Hour Is on the Rocks: Alcohol and Breast Cancer Advisory

The U.S. surgeon general has issued a strong warning about the link between alcohol and breast cancer and six other cancers

6 Self-Care Resolutions for the New Year

6 Tips for True Self-Care in the New Year

Pedicures, massages and bubble baths are great — but don’t forget to take these 6 steps to true self-care

3d illustration of a typical PrEP Pil

Barriers to Accessing PrEP Mean Missed Opportunities to Prevent HIV

What is PrEP — and why aren’t more people taking it?

Olivia Munn

Olivia Munn’s Breast Cancer Diagnosis Is a Wake-Up Call for All Women

The Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool saved Olivia Munn’s life — and it could save yours

Olivia Munn

El diagnóstico de cáncer de mama de Olivia Munn es una señal de alerta para todas las mujeres

La herramienta de evaluación de riesgo de cáncer de mama salvó la vida de Olivia Munn y podría salvar la tuya

Kelly Miyahara, mom and sister

My Sister, My Mom and I Were All Diagnosed with Breast Cancer Within 18 Months of Each Other

It turned out a secret was lurking in my genes: Most of my family has a BRCA2 gene mutation

Kelly Miyahara, mom and sister

A mi hermana, a mi mamá y a mí nos diagnosticaron cáncer de mama en un plazo de 18 meses

Al parecer, un secreto se ocultaba en mis genes: La mayoría de mis familiares tienen una mutación genética BRCA2

doctor applying a band-aid after getting a vaccination

Should You Get Vaccinated for Covid This Fall?

Spoiler alert: Yes! Here’s what you need to know about the updated vaccine and new FLiRT Covid variants

doctor of latino ethnicity leans on her desk and looks at a radiogram of a chest on her desktop computer.

Lung Cancer Screening 101

More women and non-smokers are being diagnosed with lung cancer. Here’s what you need to know about the latest lung cancer screening guidelines.

doctor of latino ethnicity leans on her desk and looks at a radiogram of a chest on her desktop computer.

Introducción a las pruebas de cáncer pulmonar

Más mujeres y no fumadores están recibiendo diagnósticos de cáncer pulmonar. Aquí encontrarás lo que debes saber sobre las pautas más recientes de pruebas de cáncer pulmonar.

Woman using phone while using the bathroom

DIY: Hemorrhoids Self-Care

Learn about the different ways you can help prevent painful hemorrhoids and how to get rid of hemorrhoids at home

How Fiber Can Reduce Your Risk for Colorectal Cancer

How Fiber Can Reduce Your Risk for Colorectal Cancer

What you need to know to get enough fiber in your diet