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Your Health

woman holding and IUD

Fast Facts: What You Need to Know About IUDs

Here’s the 411 on this long-acting and reversible type of birth control

Sleeping pills lying on night table

Sleeping Pills May Harm Your Brain

Prescription sleeping pills may not be the fix you think they are

Doctor with blood tube labeled with Tumor marker for analysis of cancer biomarkers test

Biomarkers 101

Learn the basics about biomarkers and biomarker testing

The Good, the Bad, and the Bathroom Dash: What to Do Before and After Your Colonoscopy

The Good, the Bad, and the Bathroom Dash: What to Do Before and After Your Colonoscopy

The colonoscopy and the recovery are usually easy. The day before? Get ready for a memorable evening in the bathroom.

Take Heart During Perimenopause

Take Heart During Perimenopause

The risk for heart disease increases as you approach menopause. But there are things you can do to help protect your heart.

Kate Walsh

Kate Walsh Wants You to Get Screened for Cancer

After years of playing a doctor on TV, the award-winning actress is raising awareness about a new blood test that screens for more than 50 different types of cancer

mature couple toasting with drinks at bar

Good Sex with Emily Jamea: Alcohol, Women and Sex

Drinking may make you feel frisky — but it’s also risky. Learn why alcohol may not be the love potion you think it is.

Lindsey Peters

My Doctor Told Me to Go Get Pregnant to Treat My Endometriosis

After endometriosis surgery didn’t work, I was told to get pregnant or have a hysterectomy to help stop the pain

patient and doctor writing in hospital for appointment,

What Is a PA?

Learn the facts about physician assistants and what they can do for your health

spontaneous coronary artery dissection

Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection 101

This heart condition affects mostly women. Here’s what you need to know.

Katelyn Jetelina

15 Minutes With: Katelyn Jetelina, Ph.D., Talks Viruses, Vaccines and Avoiding the Bird Flu

Epidemiologist Katelyn Jetelina was named one of Time magazine’s most influential people in health. Here’s what she wants you to know about viruses and vaccines.

Pregnant woman at doctor

Should You Join a Pregnancy Registry if You Have MS?

Registries can help people now — and in the future — make informed decisions about pregnancy

Tricia Marciel

It Wasn’t Stage Fright. I Was Having a Heart Attack at Age 39.

Like many people, I thought I was too young to have a heart attack — but it can happen to anyone

HPV Vaccination Around the World Infographic

HPV Vaccination Around the World

Across the globe, the HPV vaccine is helping to prevent cervical cancer — but the U.S. could be doing more

WomenTalk: The Lowdown on Gynecologic Cancer

In this episode, of WomenTalk, we’ll learn all about cervical, endometrial and ovarian cancers.

doctor using a digital tablet during a consultation with a senior woman

How Shared Decision-Making Can Lead to Better Healthcare

How and why to partner with your healthcare providers to make informed healthcare decisions

HPV Vaccination Around the World Infographic

La vacunación contra el VPH en todo el mundo

En todo el mundo, la vacuna contra el VPH es útil para prevenir el cáncer cervical, pero EE.UU. podría hacer más

True or False Quiz: Blood Donation

True or False: Donating Blood

How often can you donate blood? Test your knowledge of blood donation requirements and learn some surprising facts about the benefits of giving blood.

Preparation for blood test with senior woman by female doctor medical uniform on the table in white bright room

Should You Take a Blood Test for Menopause?

Here’s what you need to know if you think you’re in perimenopause or menopause

Is it Covid, RSV or the Flu? Infographic

Is it Covid, RSV or the Flu?

What you need to know about these common respiratory viruses

pregnant woman with big belly advanced pregnancy in hands

Pregnancy and Cervical Cancer: Know Your Options

You might wonder if pregnancy is possible after you’ve had cervical cancer, but plenty of options exist to grow your family

Overactive Bladder Can Affect Your Daily Life Infographic

Overactive Bladder Can Affect Your Daily Life

If you need to pee frequently, find out how you can manage this common condition

pregnant woman with big belly advanced pregnancy in hands

El embarazo y el cáncer cervical: Conoce tus opciones

Si te preguntas si el embarazo es posible después de tener cáncer cervical, hay muchas opciones disponibles para que tu familia crezca

 What Your Period Blood Color Can Tell You Infographic

What Your Period Blood Color Can Tell You

Your period blood color can offer hints about your menstrual cycle and your overall health. Learn what all the colors can mean.