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female patient of African-American ethnicity, having an annual medical check-up with a senior male Caucasian doctor

¿Pueden prejuicios raciales restringir el acceso a examinaciones y tratamientos de cáncer de colon para mujeres de color?

Los pacientes de raza negra pueden tener menos posibilidades de que les refieran a examinaciones que podrían reducir las tasas de mortalidad del cáncer de colon

doctor showing the consequences of obesity

The Importance of Making Obesity Treatment Accessible

Obesity is a growing public health threat, but access to anti-obesity medications and obesity treatment can help make a difference

Creative portrait mixed with a hand drawn illustration

The Mental and Physical Load of Racial Trauma

The pain of racial bias can have lifelong effects on women’s physical, mental and emotional health

African American woman in pajamas resting in her bed at home.

MS and Women of Color

Multiple sclerosis has long been characterized as a white woman’s illness, leaving too many women of color misdiagnosed

African American woman in pajamas resting in her bed at home.

La EM y las mujeres de color

La esclerosis múltiple se ha considerado durante mucho tiempo como una enfermedad de mujeres de raza blanca, haciendo que muchas mujeres de color reciban diagnósticos erróneos

Including LGBTQ+ People in the Menopause Conversation

Including LGBTQ+ People in the Menopause Conversation

Everyone who menstruates goes through menopause. And everyone who menstruates should be able to get care during the transition.

Mature woman very sad looking through window worried

What Is C. diff? What You Need to Know About This Deadly Infection

C. diff causes the most healthcare-associated infections in the U.S. — and women are at higher risk than men

Makeba L. Williams, M.D.

A Conversation with Makeba L. Williams, M.D., About Health Equity and Menopause

An OB-GYN explains how health disparities can worsen the midlife transition for many women of color

Woman with cancer contemplating and relaxing at home

Why Are More Women Being Diagnosed with Cervical Cancer Later?

Rates of cervical cancer have dropped significantly in the past 50 years, but a recent uptick in diagnoses has experts concerned

Woman with cancer contemplating and relaxing at home

¿Por qué más mujeres están recibiendo diagnósticos de cánceres cervicales de etapas más avanzadas?

Las tasas de cáncer cervical han disminuido significativamente durante los últimos 50 años, pero los expertos están preocupados por un repunte reciente de diagnósticos

colorful magic mushrooms and faces in profile

Are Medical Mushrooms Really Magic?

A growing number of practitioners are looking to the power of psychedelics to treat mental health conditions. Are they worth the trip?

hispanic overweight woman in profile touching her hair

Obesity, Racism and Covid: A Deadly Combination

Social determinants of health contribute to higher rates of obesity among Black, Hispanic and Native American women. And that makes Covid more dangerous for them.