Marijke Vroomen Durning, R.N.
Marijke Vroomen Durning, R.N., is a freelance writer in Montreal, Canada. Her work has been published in many outlets over the years, both online and in print. Marijke often describes her writing as the bedside teaching nurses want to do but rarely have the time for. Her experience working in healthcare has taught her what types of information people need and how to share it. One such need is medication and drug safety, so Marijke wrote the book," Just the Right Dose: Your Smart Guide to Prescription Drugs and How to Take Them Safely."
Marijke is a member of the Association of Health Care Journalists (AHCJ), the American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA), and the Authors Guild. She is also a member of the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) and is registered with the Ordre des infirmiers et infirmières du Québec (Order of Nurses of Quebec).
C. Diff 101
What is C. diff? Learn more about the condition and simple ways to reduce your risk of infection.
C. difficile 101
¿Qué es la C. difficile? Obtén más información sobre la condición y formas sencillas para reducir tu riesgo de infección.
Bacterial Vaginosis 101
What is bacterial vaginosis? Learn about the risk factors, symptoms and how it’s treated.
How Hormonal Contraception Works
Here’s what you need to know about hormonal birth control
Cómo funciona la anticoncepción hormonal
Aquí encontrarás lo que debes saber sobre la anticoncepción hormonal
Estrogen-Free Birth Control Pills
Can’t take estrogen or prefer not to? No worries. Here’s what you need to know about estrogen-free birth control pills.
Píldoras anticonceptivas sin estrógeno
¿No puedes tomar estrógeno o prefieres no hacerlo? No te preocupes. Aquí encontrarás lo que debes saber sobre las píldoras anticonceptivas sin estrógeno.
Fast Facts About Iron Deficiency
Are you at risk for developing iron deficiency? Here’s what you need to know.
What You Need to Know About Ovarian Cancer
Ovarian cancer is a silent killer. Here’s what you need to know about what ovarian cancer is and how it’s diagnosed.
Lo que debes saber del cáncer ovárico
El cáncer ovárico es un asesino silencioso. Aquí encontrarás lo que debes saber sobre el cáncer ovárico y cómo se diagnóstica.
HPV Vaccination Is Cancer Prevention
HPV vaccines can prevent many cancers. Learn more about them.
La vacuna contra el VPH previene el cáncer
Las vacunas contra el VPH pueden prevenir muchos cánceres. Obtén más información sobre ellas.