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Dr. Neel Shah

15 Minutes With: Dr. Neel Shah Talks About Racism in Healthcare

One of the experts from Oprah’s new documentary, “The Color of Care” discusses racism in the healthcare system and how it especially harms Black Women

Rick Bright

15 Minutes With: Rick Bright Talks About Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

The doctor who resigned from the Trump administration to raise the alarm about Covid-19 is now raising the alarm about AMR

Jaimie Seaton

My Quest for Uninterrupted Sleep

I’ve had insomnia for more than a decade, but I’m finally taking charge

How To Avoid Falls in Your Home

Falls can be very dangerous. Watch this video to learn how to protect yourself in your home.

Why Parents Need to Ask About the Meningitis B Vaccination

Meningitis B can be serious and even fatal. But there is a vaccine to protect against this deadly disease. Learn why you should ask your healthcare provider for it.

Woman laying awake distressed, sleeping next to her male partner.

Clinically Speaking: Questions and Answers About Insomnia

Trouble sleeping can be more than just a nuisance. It can be the cause or result of other medical conditions. Read on to find out more about insomnia.

Annoyed woman lying in bed with snoring boyfriend

Conversación sobre la salud: Preguntas y respuestas sobre el insomnio

Las dificultades para dormir pueden implicar más que una simple molestia. Puede ser la causa o el resultado de otras condiciones médicas. Lee este artículo para obtener más información sobre el insomnio.

Janet McUlsky

A Conversation with Janet McUlsky About Patient Advocacy

It’s no surprise that the 2022 winner of HealthyWomen’s Pinnacle Award says we all do better when we support each other. Find out what else she had to say.

Dr. Leana Wen

15 Minutes With Dr. Leana Wen

The accomplished doctor weighs in on the possible future of the pandemic and the importance of public health

Nina Coslov

A Conversation with Nina Coslov About Perimenopause

Coslov suspected that perimenopause starts a lot earlier than most people think. So she did some research.

The Truth About Vaccines

There’s a lot of vaccine misinformation out there, but the truth is that vaccines are safe and effective — and they save lives