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HPV Vaccination Around the World Infographic

HPV Vaccination Around the World

Across the globe, the HPV vaccine is helping to prevent cervical cancer — but the U.S. could be doing more

HPV Vaccination Around the World Infographic

La vacunación contra el VPH en todo el mundo

En todo el mundo, la vacuna contra el VPH es útil para prevenir el cáncer cervical, pero EE.UU. podría hacer más

Is it Covid, RSV or the Flu? Infographic

Is it Covid, RSV or the Flu?

What you need to know about these common respiratory viruses

COVID-19 Vaccination written on a calendar page

Covid Vaccine Schedule for Older Adults & Immunocompromised People

It’s important for older adults and people with weakened immune systems to stay up to date on Covid vaccines. Read the latest recommendations.

doctor applying a band-aid after getting a vaccination

Should You Get Vaccinated for Covid This Fall?

Spoiler alert: Yes! Here’s what you need to know about the updated vaccine and new FLiRT Covid variants

The nurse holding one form five types of covid 19 vaccines in hand

6 Important Things to Know About Covid Vaccines to Help You Understand Your Options

From diving into whether mRNA vaccines can alter human DNA to uncovering whether it’s safe to get multiple vaccines at once, we’re digging deep into all your questions about Covid vaccines

Congressional Briefing: Preventing HPV-Related Cancers Through Vaccination and Screening

Learn how Congress can act to help end HPV-related cancers through vaccination

Worried cartoon woman thinking about coronavirus

A New Covid Variant Is Causing Cases to Rise. Here’s How to Protect Yourself.

There are steps you can take to reduce the risk of getting seriously sick from Covid

woman in casual clothing with visible adhesive bandage from vaccination sitting on sofa in family home and smiling at camera

Top 5 Ways to Feel Empowered About Vaccine Decision-Making

When it comes to making decisions about vaccines, knowledge is power

Understanding the Different Types of Covid-19 Vaccines

Understanding the Different Types of Covid-19 Vaccines

Did you know there are two types of Covid-19 vaccines? Understanding your options can help you choose what’s best for you.

Immunocompromised People and Covid-19 Clinical Trials

Immunocompromised People and Covid-19 Clinical Trials

Help fill the void in scientific knowledge about Covid in immunocompromised people

Personas inmunodeficientes y ensayos clínicos del covid-19

Personas inmunodeficientes y ensayos clínicos del covid-19

Ayuda a obtener más información científica acerca del covid-19 en personas inmunodeficientes

Options for Covid Vaccines

Options for Covid Vaccines

When it comes to Covid vaccines, you have options. Find out what they are.

Opciones para las vacunas contra el covid-19

Opciones para las vacunas contra el covid-19

Tienes varias opciones en lo que se refiere a las vacunas contra el covid-19. Descúbrelas.

family sitting on a couch looking at a smart phone and laughing

Choose to Protect

Know your Covid vaccine options to protect yourself and your family over the holidays

Small drug vial with influenza vaccine

6 Places to Get the Flu Vaccine

Here’s where to get the flu shot and a few surprising spots you should know

Nicole Ari Parker at home

Nicole Ari Parker on Choosing to Protect Herself and Her Family from Covid

We talked with the actor about vaccine options and staying healthy on and off the stage

WomenTalk: Choose to Protect

Raising awareness about covid vaccinations

Woman with cancer contemplating and relaxing at home

Why Are More Women Being Diagnosed with Cervical Cancer Later?

Rates of cervical cancer have dropped significantly in the past 50 years, but a recent uptick in diagnoses has experts concerned

Woman with cancer contemplating and relaxing at home

¿Por qué más mujeres están recibiendo diagnósticos de cánceres cervicales de etapas más avanzadas?

Las tasas de cáncer cervical han disminuido significativamente durante los últimos 50 años, pero los expertos están preocupados por un repunte reciente de diagnósticos

HPV Vaccine vial

HPV Vaccination Is Cancer Prevention

HPV vaccines can prevent many cancers. Learn more about them.

HPV Vaccine vial

La vacuna contra el VPH previene el cáncer

Las vacunas contra el VPH pueden prevenir muchos cánceres. Obtén más información sobre ellas.

How Are Vaccines Made?

Watch as Emily meets her partner’s family on Thanksgiving and explains how vaccines are made