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patient and doctor writing in hospital for appointment,

What Is a PA?

Learn the facts about physician assistants and what they can do for your health

doctor consulting a patient in hospital for healthcare history or record

Clinically Speaking: Questions and Answers About Metastatic Cancer

What does metastatic cancer mean? Here’s what you need to know about the symptoms and treatment options for metastatic cancer.

Patient During Scalp Cooling

Does Cold Capping Work?

Wearing a cold cap for chemotherapy may reduce hair loss. Here’s what you need to know.

Telemedicine concept, medicine online internet pharmacy. Smartphone, medicines and stethoscope.

The Promise of Prescription Digital Therapeutics

Here’s what you need to know about this emerging trend in healthcare

Lung Cancer Treatment: Next Steps After Diagnosis

Lung Cancer Treatment: Next Steps After Diagnosis

Here’s what to do if you’ve been diagnosed with lung cancer and what you need to know about lung cancer treatment options

Tratamiento contra el cáncer pulmonar Siguientes pasos después del diagnóstico

Tratamiento contra el cáncer pulmonar Siguientes pasos después del diagnóstico

Aquí encontrarás lo que debes hacer si te diagnosticaron cáncer pulmonar y lo que debes saber acerca de las opciones de tratamiento de cáncer pulmonar

Medical illustration vector concept,female breasts and four levels of breast cancer severity

Stages of Breast Cancer

What are the stages of breast cancer? And what does the stage mean for prognosis and treatment? Here’s what you need to know.

emdr acronym on wooden cubes

What Is EMDR and How Can It Help Trauma Survivors?

The breakthrough therapy helps your brain heal itself

Telemedicine and human Uterus recovery concept

Ovarian Cancer 101: Know Your Treatment Options

A lot goes into choosing a treatment plan for ovarian cancer. Here’s what you need to know.

Telemedicine and human Uterus recovery concept

Cáncer ovárico 101: Conoce tus opciones de tratamiento

Deben considerarse muchas cosas cuando se escoge un plan de tratamiento para cáncer ovárico. Aquí encontrarás lo que debes saber.

Which Drugs and Therapies Are Proven to Work, and Which Ones Don’t, for COVID-19?

Which Drugs and Therapies Are Proven to Work, and Which Ones Don't, for COVID-19?

I am a physician and a scientist and I’m sharing what is known about which treatments work, and which don’t, for the new coronavirus infection.

Making healthcare decisions that are right for you

What You Need to Consider Before Making Health Care Decisions

When it's time to make important healthcare decisions, you need know all of your options before you choose your treatment.

Finally Pregnant! This is Our Story of Living With Unexplained Infertility

Finally Pregnant! This is Our Story of Living With Unexplained Infertility

Like many other couples wanting to start a family, we assumed it would just be simple as not using protection anymore. For us, and many other couples like us, it wasn’t that simple at all.

Why I Chose to Freeze My Eggs

Why I Chose to Freeze My Eggs

A woman's choice to freeze her eggs is very personal and reasons and results vary. Here is one woman's story about her experience freezing her eggs for a future pregnancy.

Multi-generation family walking together through a forest

Is Lyme Disease Curable?

Lyme disease can be tough to diagnose, but if it is diagnosed early and treated quickly, you will improve rapidly and completely. 

What Is a Colonic and Should You Get One

What Is a Colonic and Should You Get One?

A colonic is touted as a procedure to cleanse toxins from the body by streaming water in through your rectum, but there's no proof that they improve health, and they can be harmful.