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A close-up shot of baby milk formula with a plastic measuring spoon and bottle.

What’s Behind the US Baby Formula Shortage – and How to Make Sure It Doesn’t Happen Again

The shortage will affect some parents more than others. Not surprisingly, the most affected parents are those on the lowest income.

child playing and eating donuts

Why Kids Shouldn’t Eat Added Sugar Before They Turn 2, According to a Nutritional Epidemiologist

Foods and beverages high in added sugars provide a lot of calories but not a lot of nutrients

How to Wean Your Child From Breastfeeding

How to Wean Your Child From Breastfeeding

If you or your baby has decided that it's time to stop breastfeeding, here are some tips to help weaning go better for you both.

A Child Safety Factor You Shouldn't Overlook

A Child Safety Factor You Shouldn't Overlook

According to this Safe Kids Worldwide report, the medicines kids most commonly get into belong to their grandparents.

7 Dangers to Baby in Your Home

7 Dangers to Baby in Your Home

Some everyday things in your home may present dangers to your baby or small child—from dishwasher and range to windows and stairs.

4 Mommy-and-Me Total Body Workouts

Mommy-and-Me Total Body Workouts

It can be hard to find time to exercise when you have kids, but if you include them, you can always squeeze in your workouts—and have fun!

healthy snacks

10 Toddler Snacks: Classic and Elevated

Toddlers love to snack, so be prepared with healthy snacks, both easy and elevated.

toddler refusing food

5 Common Toddler Feeding Frustrations and Solutions

Most parents of toddlers know that mealtimes can be stressful. To help with those common toddler feeding frustrations, here are some tips from mom and registered dietitian Katie Serbinski of Mom to Mom Nutrition.

Tips to Stop Tantrums

Toddler tantrums are never pleasant, but they are normal. Here are some tips to help you deal with tantrums.

Woman hand pouring medication or antipyretic syrup from bottle to spoon

Child and OTC Medication Safety

How do I know if it's OK to give my child more than one over-the-counter medicine at the same time

3 Healthy, Plant-Based, Kid-Friendly Recipes

3 Healthy, Plant-Based, Kid-Friendly Recipes

If you're a parent who's in a rut of always preparing the same foods, succumbing to "what works" or relying on dairy and wheat to get by, then try one of these fresh, healthy recipes.

5 Tips for Gentle Weaning Success

5 Tips for Gentle Weaning Success

As much as breastfeeding isn't an automatic process, weaning also isn't automatic for most moms. In rare cases, a baby will stop nursing all on her own, but more often, it's a process. Get the tips for success.

siblings playing with their mother

Last-Minute Mother's Day Gift Ideas Moms With Younger Kids Will Love

These are the best gifts any mom with little kids will appreciate—and they don't require planning or going to a store.

Boy with red cheeks

Should Your Child See a Dermatologist?

If your child has a recurring or serious skin problem or one that hasn't responded to treatment, you may want to visit a pediatric dermatologist.

How to Protect Baby's Skin From the Sun

How to Protect Baby's Skin From the Sun

Just one blistering sunburn during childhood or adolescence more than doubles one's chance of developing melanoma, a deadly type of skin cancer, later in life.