Hypothyroidism Caused Serious Problems for My Body and My Mind
I didn’t know my thyroid could have such a big impact on my health overall
I didn’t know my thyroid could have such a big impact on my health overall
Take our quiz to see what you know and learn important information about your thyroid
The network star talks thyroid troubles, tough days and how viewers inspire her
TV anchor and journalist Deborah Norville reflects on her journey with thyroid cancer
This autoimmune condition can affect everything from your brain to your bowels. Here’s what you need to know.
Raymond Douglas, M.D., Ph.D., a Professor, Ophthalmologist, Plastic Surgeon, and Co-Director of the Thyroid Eye Disease Program at Cedars-Sinai, Surgery, answers questions about thyroid eye disease.
I can’t fix my broken instrument, but I can still bring beautiful music to the world
Learn about the progression of normal eyes to the acute and chronic phases of thyroid eye disease
Obtén información sobre el proceso de cambio de ojos saludables a fases agudas y crónicas de la oftalmopatía tiroidea
Up to 1 in 2 people who have Graves’ disease have symptoms of thyroid eye disease — and it’s more common in women
Hasta 1 de cada 2 personas que tienen la enfermedad de Graves tiene síntomas de oftalmopatía tiroidea y es más frecuente en las mujeres
But I refused to let an autoimmune disease force me to hang up my tutu
Women are more likely to have problems with their thyroid than men. Here's what you need to know.
A thyroid disorder is an autoimmune condition related to the thyroid gland, a small gland that manufactures and stores thyroid hormones. A thyroid disorder impacts the metabolic processes and may be characterized by nervousness or tiredness, weight changes, weak muscles, impaired memory and irregular menstrual flow. READ MORE