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medical tests

Kelly Miyahara, mom and sister

My Sister, My Mom and I Were All Diagnosed with Breast Cancer Within 18 Months of Each Other

It turned out a secret was lurking in my genes: Most of my family has a BRCA2 gene mutation

Kelly Miyahara, mom and sister

A mi hermana, a mi mamá y a mí nos diagnosticaron cáncer de mama en un plazo de 18 meses

Al parecer, un secreto se ocultaba en mis genes: La mayoría de mis familiares tienen una mutación genética BRCA2

genetic counselor meeting with patient to discuss BRCA gene

BRCA Testing 101

BRCA gene mutations can increase your risk of breast and other cancers. Should you get tested for them?

genetic counselor meeting with patient to discuss BRCA gene

Pruebas BRCA 101

Las mutaciones genéticas BRCA pueden incrementar tu riesgo de cáncer de mama y de otros tipos. ¿Deberías hacerte pruebas para saberlo?

Laboratory sample of blood testing for diagnosis Alzheimer's disease

Should You Get a Blood Test for Alzheimer’s?

Here’s what you need to know about testing for Alzheimer’s

What’s Your Number?

What’s Your Number?

Cholesterol testing is important, easy — and can save your life

woman with uneven breasts

Breast Asymmetry: 9 Reasons You Have Uneven Breasts

It's very common for a woman to have uneven breasts, also called asymmetrical breasts. Find out what causes these breast asymmetries.

girl patient is lying in the tomograph and waiting for a scan

A Guide to Medical Imaging for Women

Understanding the different types of medical imaging can help you know what to expect

Do Genetic Predispositions Affect Your Health?

How Do Genes Affect Your Health?

What learning more about your genetics and family history can teach you

Colleen Monfross

You Can’t Choose Your Genes

But if you learn what your genetic code is saying, you can choose your response

Worried young afro american woman patient touching chest, explaining symptoms and complaining about heartache to female doctor in blue uniform while visiting clinic office

Biopsies Confirm a Breast Cancer Diagnosis After an Abnormal Mammogram – but Structural Racism May Lead to Lengthy Delays

Black patients are more likely than other racial and ethnic groups to have a biopsy delay of 90 days or more after an abnormal mammogram

Sexually transmitted infection - laboratory analysis performed on a blood sample

You Can Test Yourself for an STI at Home — but Should You?

At-home STI testing is on the rise, but it’s not a replacement for an in-person exam

African American woman hearing a headscarf

Race, Gender and the Ways These Identities Intersect Matter in Cancer Outcomes

Cancer care research usually overlooks the multiple identities of individual patients

woman with body odor problem

What Your Odor Says About Your Health

Sometimes an odor is more than just an odor — it can also be a warning sign of potential health conditions

woman puts hands around pink ribbon on her pink T Shirt, for breast cancer campaign

Why Do Women of Color Have Worse Breast Cancer Outcomes?

Breast cancer treatment and survival are worse for women of color. Healthcare disparities are to blame.

Close-up of Doctor with ribbon formed breast cancer awareness symbol

You Have Advanced Breast Cancer. What’s Next?

Advice about important next steps and what to expect after an advanced breast cancer diagnosis

Kimberly Holiday-Coleman

My Symptoms Were Dismissed as Hemorrhoids, but I Had Colon Cancer

My cancer diagnosis led me to appreciate the little things — and learn to dance

Elisa Seeger and her son Aidan, 2009

I Made a Promise to My Son

In the 10 years since my son died from a treatable condition, I’ve helped pass legislation to save other children — but there’s still work to do

Connie Dollard Ingram and her son,

A Thanksgiving Nightmare Ends in Gratitude

I thought my son was fully vaccinated against meningitis. He wasn’t — and you might not be either.

colon cancer infographic

We Need to Talk About Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer is deadly, but it’s also highly preventable. The first step is talking about it.

Cramps period. Menstruation days vector illustration

Why Getting an Endometriosis Diagnosis Is Painfully Slow

Endometriosis affects 1 out of 10 women — but it’s still taboo, misunderstood and critically underfunded

woman with colorectal cancer

Navigating a Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis

A colorectal cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming. Here’s what to do next.