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labor and delivery

Mother holding hands Asian female newborn baby and sunlight in the morning

FAQs About Delivery, Breastfeeding and Postpartum Care with Multiple Sclerosis

Having a baby while living with MS? Get answers to your questions about delivery, breastfeeding and postpartum care

Delivery room sign

Postpartum Hemorrhage Is a Deadly Problem

Here’s what you need to know about the leading cause of pregnancy-related death worldwide

Overall Preterm Birth Rates in the United States Increased Last Year — And They Rose for Women of Color

Overall Preterm Birth Rates in the United States Increased Last Year — And They Rose for Women of Color

Race and economic status continue to impact birth outcomes for moms and babies

new born baby hand hold mum index finger

Can Living in the U.S. Increase Your Risk of Preterm Birth?

Women in the U.S. are more likely to give birth early compared to women in other developed nations. What makes the U.S. different?

Ashley K Heller

I Recovered From Surgery on My Own Terms

I struggled with side effects from opioids after my first C-section, so I chose to do things differently the second time around

Nurse checking baby in wellness medical exam

Trying to Avoid Racist Health Care, Black Women Seek out Black Obstetricians

In addition to shared culture and values, a Black physician can offer Black patients a sense of safety, validation and trust

Pregnancy During a Pandemic: the Stress of COVID-19 on Pregnant Women and New Mothers Is Showing

Pregnancy During a Pandemic: the Stress of COVID-19 on Pregnant Women and New Mothers Is Showing

The pandemic has dramatically changed the pregnancy experience and the U.S. may have 500,000 fewer births as a result.

Black Women Turn to Midwives to Avoid COVID and ‘Feel Cared For’

Black Women Turn to Midwives to Avoid COVID and ‘Feel Cared For’

Fear of the pandemic and historically poor outcomes for Black women giving birth in hospitals is fuelling a demand for home births.

New Moms & Babies Are Leaving Maternity Wards Earlier Than Usual Due to Coronavirus

New Moms & Babies Are Leaving Maternity Wards Earlier Than Usual Due to Coronavirus

Here's what you need to know about the Covid-19 pandemic causing moms and newborns to leave the maternity ward earlier than usual.

A Midwife's Take on How Birth Is 'Managed' in the U.S.

A Midwife's Take on How Birth Is 'Managed' in the US

Each labor and delivery is different, so there's no one "right" way to do it. But this midwife thinks it may be time to take a new look at birth practices and interventions in the U.S.

The Surprising Mental-Health Consequences of General Anesthesia During Birth

The Surprising Mental-Health Consequences of General Anesthesia During Birth

A new study finds a strong link between general anesthesia and postpartum depression.

Opioids: An Evolving Health Crisis for Women

Opioids: An Evolving Health Crisis for Women

Opioids such as heroin and fentanyl, continue to harm women and families. Women are at greater risk for OUD because of biologic differences, and women also have higher rates of chronic pain.

Considering a Home Birth? Here's What You Need to Know

Considering a Home Birth? Here's What You Need to Know

A home birth can be a safe and natural way to give birth, but you need to discuss it with your partner, make sure you're a good candidate and be prepared.

Incision Length Linked to Pain After C-Section

Incision Length Linked to Pain After C-Section

How much pain a woman feels after cesarean delivery may depend on the length of the incision, a new study suggests.

Should You Bank Your Newborn’s Cord Blood?

Stem cells from cord blood can help save lives, so consider whether you want to use either a private cord blood bank or a public one.

Beautiful Asian pregnant woman relaxing in the park

5 Best Yoga Poses for Pregnant Women

These are the five best yoga poses for pregnant women to relieve physical discomforts and prepare for labor and delivery.

doctor checking pregnant woman

New Study Shows Most C-Sections and Induced Births Happen at THIS Time

Elective c-sections, induced births keep many U.S. deliveries within working hours