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irritable bowel disease

Woman's Hand Holding Red Heart

How to Prevent Inflammatory Bowel Disease Symptoms from Controlling Your Life

Learn how to manage IBD symptoms so you can spend more time enjoying the things that matter most to you.

Self-Love: Learning to Love Your Body Despite Your Disease

Self-Love: Learning to Love Your Body Despite Your Disease

When you live with a chronic illness like Crohn’s disease, taking time to honor all that you do to merely function and keep up with the general population is worth recognizing.

A Letter to My 21-year-old, Newly Diagnosed With Crohn's Self–From 13 Years in the Future

A Letter to My 21-year-old, Newly Diagnosed With Crohn's Self–From 13 Years in the Future

Perspective that I wish I had back when my world came crashing down upon me after learning I would forever have a disease for which there is no cure.

Reflecting on Motherhood & Crohn’s: Year One

Reflecting on Motherhood & Crohn's: Year One

Parenthood is daunting, no matter what, especially your first time around. Throw in an unpredictable, often debilitating condition and tackling the role is even more challenging.

How to Prepare for a Colonoscopy

How to Prepare for a Colonoscopy

When I was 21 I was blindsided with a diagnosis of an incurable chronic illness. I was told I had Crohn's disease—an autoimmune disease that attacks the gastrointestinal tract, leading to severe pain and fatigue (just to name a few of the downsides).

natalie hayden

Chronic Illness and Motherhood: Why I Didn't Let Crohn's Disease Rob Me of My Future

When I was 21, my world turned upside down and I was blindsided with a diagnosis of an incurable chronic illness.

On Reaching Remission of Crohn's Disease: Tragedy and Triumph

On Reaching Remission of Crohn's Disease: Tragedy and Triumph

Exactly one year ago today, my gastroenterologist pulled the curtain back to find me still in post-colonoscopy position, groggy, yet mostly awake and said the words I have been waiting to hear since 2009: "There are no ulcers. You are in remission."

Do You Suffer From Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Is Your Bowel Irritable?

Many suffer for years before getting an IBS diagnosis.