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HPV Vaccination Around the World Infographic

HPV Vaccination Around the World

Across the globe, the HPV vaccine is helping to prevent cervical cancer — but the U.S. could be doing more

HPV Vaccination Around the World Infographic

La vacunación contra el VPH en todo el mundo

En todo el mundo, la vacuna contra el VPH es útil para prevenir el cáncer cervical, pero EE.UU. podría hacer más

woman hand touching her chest having heart attack

Can HPV Lead to Heart Disease in Women?

A growing body of research says it’s possible. Here’s what you need to know.

Woman with cancer contemplating and relaxing at home

Why Are More Women Being Diagnosed with Cervical Cancer Later?

Rates of cervical cancer have dropped significantly in the past 50 years, but a recent uptick in diagnoses has experts concerned

Woman with cancer contemplating and relaxing at home

¿Por qué más mujeres están recibiendo diagnósticos de cánceres cervicales de etapas más avanzadas?

Las tasas de cáncer cervical han disminuido significativamente durante los últimos 50 años, pero los expertos están preocupados por un repunte reciente de diagnósticos

HPV Vaccine vial

HPV Vaccination Is Cancer Prevention

HPV vaccines can prevent many cancers. Learn more about them.

HPV Vaccine vial

La vacuna contra el VPH previene el cáncer

Las vacunas contra el VPH pueden prevenir muchos cánceres. Obtén más información sobre ellas.

Ask the Expert: HPV and Cervical Cancer

Nancy R. Berman, MSN, ANP-BC, NCMP, FAANP, answers questions about HPV, cervical cancer and how the two are connected

A Conversation About HPV & Cervical Cancer Screening

A Conversation About HPV & Cervical Cancer Screening

Learn how to ask for information about HPV vaccines and cervical cancer screening in Liliana's Story: A Fotonovela

Do Ethnicity and Race Increase Risk for Head & Neck Cance

Do Ethnicity and Race Put People at Higher Risk for Head and Neck Cancers?

New research suggests environment and behavior — not genetics — raise your head and neck cancer risk

Do Ethnicity and Race Increase Risk for Head & Neck Cance

Tu etnia y ubicación geográfica pueden elevar el riesgo de cánceres de cabeza y cuello

Nuevas investigaciones sugieren que el entorno y el comportamiento, no la genética, incrementan tu riesgo

How to Talk to Your Healthcare Provider About Getting the HPV Vaccine as an Adult

The HPV vaccine is ideally given to boys and girls at age 11 or 12, but it’s approved for adults up to age 45. If you haven’t had it, here’s how you can talk to your HCP about whether you should get it.

photo of two women during group psychotherapy

Planned Parenthood Saved Me from Cervical Cancer

When I found out I had precancerous cells in my cervix, the nonprofit provided me top-notch medical care at no cost

photo of two women during group psychotherapy

Planned Parenthood me salvó de cáncer cervical

Cuando descubrí que tenía células precancerosas en mi cuello uterino, esta organización sin fines de lucro me proporcionó atención médica de primera sin costo

HPV Vaccine

HPV Vaccine: What You Might Have Missed During the Pandemic

If you missed your HPV vaccine because of the pandemic, don’t worry. You don’t have to start over.

HPV Vaccine

Vacuna del VPH: Lo que puede que no hayas hecho durante la pandemia

Si no recibiste la vacuna del VPH por la pandemia, no te preocupes. No tienes que empezar de cero.

A Therapist meets with her female client in her office.

Coping With the Emotional Impact of Head and Neck Cancer

Head and neck cancer isn’t just physically taxing — it can significantly hurt your mental health. Here’s how to take care of yourself.

A Therapist meets with her female client in her office.

Manejar el impacto del cáncer de cabeza y cuello

El cáncer de cabeza y cuello no solo es físicamente duro, también puede lastimar tu salud mental. Aquí podrás encontrar cómo cuidarte

Female reproductive system

HPV, Cervical Cancer and Cervical Cancer Screening: What Do You Need to Know?

Cervical cancer is highly preventable. The answers to these common questions could help save your life.