Why Are Women of Color More at Risk for Lupus?
Women make up 9 out of 10 lupus cases, but women of color — especially Black women — are more likely to suffer from this autoimmune disease
Women make up 9 out of 10 lupus cases, but women of color — especially Black women — are more likely to suffer from this autoimmune disease
Your socioeconomic status, racial background and even your sexual orientation can increase your risk of developing COPD. An expert explains why.
Tu estatus socioeconómico, tus antecedentes raciales e incluso tu orientación sexual podrían incrementar tu riesgo de desarrollar EPOC. Una experta explica por qué.
Endometrial cancer rates are rising for all women, but Black women have the worst outcomes
Las tasas de cáncer endometrial están aumentando para todas las mujeres, pero las mujeres de raza negra tienen los peores desenlaces clínicos
Despite recent changes in screening guidelines, disparities persist for Black lung cancer patients
A pesar de cambios recientes en las pautas de examinaciones, todavía hay desigualdades para pacientes de cáncer de pulmón de raza negra
Insurance policies and healthcare shortages stand in the way of obesity treatment
Multiple sclerosis has long been characterized as a white woman’s illness, leaving too many women of color misdiagnosed
La esclerosis múltiple se ha considerado durante mucho tiempo como una enfermedad de mujeres de raza blanca, haciendo que muchas mujeres de color reciban diagnósticos erróneos
The risk of cardiovascular disease among women, especially women of color, is poorly understood, yet the statistics speak for themselves. Here's what you need to know.
Everyone who menstruates goes through menopause. And everyone who menstruates should be able to get care during the transition.
An OB-GYN explains how health disparities can worsen the midlife transition for many women of color
Women, especially women of color, are often dismissed and ignored by healthcare providers. Here’s what you can do about it.
Social determinants of health contribute to higher rates of obesity among Black, Hispanic and Native American women. And that makes Covid more dangerous for them.
Factores determinantes sociales de la salud contribuyen con mayores índices de obesidad de mujeres de raza negra, hispánicas y nativas estadounidenses. Y eso hace que el covid-19 sea más peligroso para ellas.
Learn about social determinants of health and how they apply to breast cancer
Obtén información acerca de los determinantes sociales de la salud y cómo estos aplican en lo que se refiere al cáncer de mama
I’m a Black trans activist — and gender-affirming care changed my life
Healthcare has long relied on technological devices, mathematical formulas and calculations to treat patients — but that can harm people of color
Systemic bias can put women of color at greater risk of missed diagnoses, delayed treatment and at worst, loss of life
Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women and men, so why are women being given different treatment?
Race and economic status continue to impact birth outcomes for moms and babies
New research suggests environment and behavior — not genetics — raise your head and neck cancer risk