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health care

patient and doctor writing in hospital for appointment,

What Is a PA?

Learn the facts about physician assistants and what they can do for your health

doctor using a digital tablet during a consultation with a senior woman

How Shared Decision-Making Can Lead to Better Healthcare

How and why to partner with your healthcare providers to make informed healthcare decisions

Sticky note on concrete wall, that says Keep it simple

Plain Language Summaries Can Give You the Power to Participate in Your Own Care

Learn how you can use science to take control of your health — even if you’re not a scientist

Congressional Briefing: The New Path Forward in Women’s Health

Congressional Briefing: The New Path Forward in Women’s Health

Transforming Research Outcomes into Better Healthcare

hundred dollar bills and drug vials + syringe on top of a chemotherapy transport bag

Coping with the Costs of Cancer

How to get financial support when you’re navigating cancer care

hundred dollar bills and drug vials + syringe on top of a chemotherapy transport bag

Lidiar con los costos del cáncer

Cómo obtener apoyo financiero si estás tratando de obtener atención para el cáncer

Biosimilars 101

Biosimilars 101

Biosimilars are a less expensive but equally effective alternative to some drugs

Congressional Briefing: Preventing HPV-Related Cancers Through Vaccination and Screening

Learn how Congress can act to help end HPV-related cancers through vaccination

Stethoscope, pills and notebook with OBESITY word on medical desk.

Health Insurance 101: How to Choose Health Insurance When You’re Living with Obesity

If you’re living with obesity, these are the 6 questions you need to ask when choosing health insurance

Stethoscope, pills and notebook with OBESITY word on medical desk.

Seguros médicos 101: Cómo escoger un seguro médico si vives con obesidad

Si vives con obesidad, hay 6 preguntas que debes hacer cuando escojas tu seguro médico

Sticky note on concrete wall, Number 5

5 Steps to Take When Your Healthcare Provider Won’t Listen to You

Feeling ignored or not taken seriously by your HCP? Here’s what to do.

Black nurse consulting trans woman at home

Gender-Affirming Care Is Important

Gender-affirming care is medical care — and it can be a matter of life and death for trans people

The Covid-19 Public Health Emergency Is Ending Soon

The Covid-19 Public Health Emergency Is Ending Soon

The federal state of emergency for Covid end date is May 11, 2023. What will this mean for you and your healthcare?

New Survey, New Insight

New Survey, New Insight

We asked you to share your experience with birth control pills, menopause and hormone therapy. Here are the surprising results.

Overall Preterm Birth Rates in the United States Increased Last Year — And They Rose for Women of Color

Overall Preterm Birth Rates in the United States Increased Last Year — And They Rose for Women of Color

Race and economic status continue to impact birth outcomes for moms and babies

What Can Your Pharmacist Do for You?

What Can Your Pharmacist Do for You?

Pharmacists do more than fill prescriptions. With expanding roles, they’re becoming indispensable to patient care.

A List of 10 Common Medical Specialties

What Do Doctors Do? A List of 10 Common Medical Specialties

Medical specialists are experts in certain areas. Find out what conditions common medical specialities treat.

Multiracial people having fun

Why Diversity in Clinical Trials Is Important

When it comes to clinical trials, what we don’t know can hurt women

new born baby hand hold mum index finger

Can Living in the U.S. Increase Your Risk of Preterm Birth?

Women in the U.S. are more likely to give birth early compared to women in other developed nations. What makes the U.S. different?

Doctor's yellow desk with notebook and text - Open Enrollment

Health Insurance 101 for Women: What You’re Entitled to as a Woman

What you need to know to get the health insurance benefits you deserve

Senior woman talks with dermatologist

The Importance of Black Dermatologists: Skin Care Must See Color

Only 3% of U.S. dermatologists are Black. It’s a disparity that can have devastating effects for Black patients experiencing skin and hair care concerns.

Obesity Is a Complex Disease With a Variety of Treatments

Different people need different approaches when it comes to treating obesity. Find out what options exist.

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Survey Says: Insurance Providers May Put Up Barriers to Care

A 2021 survey conducted by HealthyWomen found techniques used by insurance companies to manage care don’t always benefit the patient