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clinical trials

cancer patient woman wearing head scarf after chemotherapy consulting and visiting doctor in hospital

How to Get into a Clinical Trial

It helps to know how to advocate for yourself and who to turn to for help

Female doctor listening in comfort during a consultation inside her office

Clinically Speaking: Importance of Clinical Trials in Lupus Research

Anca Askanase, M.D., answers our questions about why clinical trials are so important for treating lupus

Immunocompromised People and Covid-19 Clinical Trials

Immunocompromised People and Covid-19 Clinical Trials

Help fill the void in scientific knowledge about Covid in immunocompromised people

Personas inmunodeficientes y ensayos clínicos del covid-19

Personas inmunodeficientes y ensayos clínicos del covid-19

Ayuda a obtener más información científica acerca del covid-19 en personas inmunodeficientes

The Great Girlfriends™ Podcast:  Clinical Trials 101

The Great Girlfriends Podcast: Clinical Trials 101

HealthyWomen with support from AstraZeneca partnered with The Great Girlfriend podcast to demystify clinical trials, recognize the historical trauma behind them and bring more education about clinical trials.

Aliya on the beach

I Was Immunocompromised and a Clinical Trial Changed My Life

Thanks to a clinical trial, living with beta thalassemia is now so much easier

Aliya on the beach

Soy inmunodeficiente y un ensayo clínico cambió mi vida

Gracias a un ensayo clínico, vivir con talasemia β ahora es mucho más fácil

Two Female Scientists Working Together Using Microscope, Analyzing Samples, Talking

Is It Safe to Join a Clinical Trial If You’re Immunocompromised?

What you need to know about clinical research if you’re immunocompromised

Two Female Scientists Working Together Using Microscope, Analyzing Samples, Talking

¿Es seguro participar en un ensayo clínico si eres inmunodeficiente?

Lo que debes saber acerca de investigaciones clínicas si eres inmunodeficiente

Asian female gynecologist talking to her patient about cervical cancer clinical trials

What You Need to Know About Clinical Trials

Here are answers to frequently asked questions about clinical trials

Asian female gynecologist talking to her patient about cervical cancer clinical trials

Lo que debes saber sobre los ensayos clínicos

Aquí encontrarás respuestas a preguntas frecuentes acerca de los ensayos clínicos

daughter sitting with mom who is battling cancer

Why We Need More Black and Hispanic Women in Breast Cancer Clinical Trials

Increasing diversity in cancer clinical trials can help the fight against cancer disparities

daughter sitting with mom who is battling cancer

Por qué necesitamos más mujeres de raza negra e hispánica en ensayos clínicos de cáncer de mama

Incrementar la diversidad en los ensayos clínicos de cáncer puede ser útil para la lucha contra las desigualdades de cáncer

Caregiver, carer hand holding elder hand in hospice care

New Hope in the Fight Against Alzheimer’s

With knowledge from clinical trials, we’re learning how to help those most at risk for Alzheimer’s disease

Multiracial people having fun

Why Diversity in Clinical Trials Is Important

When it comes to clinical trials, what we don’t know can hurt women

Older Woman talking with the Doctor

New Insights From Biology Can Help Overcome Siloed Thinking in Cancer Clinical Trials and Treatment

Metabolic conditions like obesity and diabetes can influence how cancer develops and responds to treatment

Doctor vaccinating a patient

How Many Lives Have Coronavirus Vaccines Saved? We Used State Data on Deaths and Vaccination Rates to Find Out

Clinical trials demonstrate how effective vaccines are individually, but the real world shows how effective they are at a population level.

Headshot of Phyllis Greenberger

15 Minutes With Phyllis Greenberger

Women's health pioneer Phyllis Greenberger's 30-year career was recently honored with the 2021 Perennial Hero Award. We sat down with her to hear more about her impressive accomplishments.

A cute African boy leaning on his elbows and smiling at the camera.

WHO Approved a Malaria Vaccine for Children – a Global Health Expert Explains Why That Is a Big Deal

Malaria, a parasitic disease transmitted by bites from infected mosquitoes, causes nearly half a million deaths per year, mostly in children in sub-Saharan Africa

Rebecca and daughter

What It’s Like to Care for a Child With Severe Eczema

My daughter has severe eczema and life-threatening food allergies. Keeping her safe is a family affair.

Parking meter

‘Kicking You When You’re Down’: Many Cancer Patients Pay Dearly for Parking

The cost of parking while in cancer treatment is finally drawing national scrutiny

Headshot portraits of diverse black people smiling

COVID-19 and the Growing Importance of Diverse Participation in Clinical Trials

Women and minorities should join studies to develop more effective treatments

Why Clinical Trials Need to Emphasize Function Over Pain Measurement

Why Clinical Trials Need to Emphasize Function Over Pain Measurement

Rather than pain reduction, the ability to lead a quality life should be prioritized