Should You Do a Breast Self-Exam?
The formal breast self-exam is no longer recommended — but breast awareness is. Here’s what you need to know about breast cancer screening.
The formal breast self-exam is no longer recommended — but breast awareness is. Here’s what you need to know about breast cancer screening.
Ya no se recomiendan los autoexámenes de mamas, pero sí la autoconciencia mamaria. Aquí encontrarás lo que debes saber sobre las examinaciones del cáncer de mama.
Learn important facts about what to expect before, during and after a breast biopsy
Obtén información importante sobre lo que puedes esperar durante y después de una biopsia de mama
The world may have moved on from Covid, but I’m still fighting to keep myself safe from the virus
Knowing your breast density is important. Now there’s a new ruling to help you stay informed.
Es importante saber la densidad de tus mamas. Ahora hay una nueva decisión que es útil para que estés informada.
Thirteen years ago, I testified in front of the FDA that women had a right to know if they have dense breasts. Earlier this month, the federal rule finally went into effect.
The Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool saved Olivia Munn’s life — and it could save yours
La herramienta de evaluación de riesgo de cáncer de mama salvó la vida de Olivia Munn y podría salvar la tuya
BRCA gene mutations can increase your risk of breast and other cancers. Should you get tested for them?
Las mutaciones genéticas BRCA pueden incrementar tu riesgo de cáncer de mama y de otros tipos. ¿Deberías hacerte pruebas para saberlo?
My breast cancer surgeon missed a red flag, and I’ll always wonder if that changed everything
What are the stages of breast cancer? And what does the stage mean for prognosis and treatment? Here’s what you need to know.
Watch this video to learn why it’s important to know your family history so you can manage your breast cancer risk
Fundraising and advocating for research puts hope within my reach
About 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. Take our quiz to see how much you know about this common disease.
A metastatic breast cancer diagnosis is life-changing. Watch this video to learn about supports that are available to improve your quality of life.
It's very common for a woman to have uneven breasts, also called asymmetrical breasts. Find out what causes these breast asymmetries.
As a young mom and recent immigrant to the United States, I thought my life was moving and changing quickly — but cancer was moving even faster
Puesto que era una mamá joven y que había inmigrado recientemente a Estados Unidos, pensaba que mi vida se movía y cambiaba rápidamente; sin embargo,el cáncer estaba avanzando aún más velozmente
Learn about social determinants of health and how they apply to breast cancer
Obtén información acerca de los determinantes sociales de la salud y cómo estos aplican en lo que se refiere al cáncer de mama
Increasing diversity in cancer clinical trials can help the fight against cancer disparities