Happy Hour Is on the Rocks: Alcohol and Breast Cancer Advisory
The U.S. surgeon general has issued a strong warning about the link between alcohol and breast cancer and six other cancers
The U.S. surgeon general has issued a strong warning about the link between alcohol and breast cancer and six other cancers
The formal breast self-exam is no longer recommended — but breast awareness is. Here’s what you need to know about breast cancer screening.
Ya no se recomiendan los autoexámenes de mamas, pero sí la autoconciencia mamaria. Aquí encontrarás lo que debes saber sobre las examinaciones del cáncer de mama.
Learn important facts about what to expect before, during and after a breast biopsy
Obtén información importante sobre lo que puedes esperar durante y después de una biopsia de mama
New research supports the findings that vaginal estrogen does not increase the risk for breast cancer or recurrence
The world may have moved on from Covid, but I’m still fighting to keep myself safe from the virus
Wearing a cold cap for chemotherapy may reduce hair loss. Here’s what you need to know.
What you need to know about breastfeeding during and after treatment for breast cancer
Lo que debes saber sobre la lactancia durante y después de tratamientos de cáncer de mama
After my shocking diagnosis, I turned to advocacy work to help shine a light on the lack of research regarding women of color and stage 4 breast cancer
Navigating a breast cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming. Use our resource guide to find support.
Knowing your breast density is important. Now there’s a new ruling to help you stay informed.
Es importante saber la densidad de tus mamas. Ahora hay una nueva decisión que es útil para que estés informada.
Thirteen years ago, I testified in front of the FDA that women had a right to know if they have dense breasts. Earlier this month, the federal rule finally went into effect.
The Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool saved Olivia Munn’s life — and it could save yours
La herramienta de evaluación de riesgo de cáncer de mama salvó la vida de Olivia Munn y podría salvar la tuya
It turned out a secret was lurking in my genes: Most of my family has a BRCA2 gene mutation
Al parecer, un secreto se ocultaba en mis genes: La mayoría de mis familiares tienen una mutación genética BRCA2
BRCA gene mutations can increase your risk of breast and other cancers. Should you get tested for them?
Las mutaciones genéticas BRCA pueden incrementar tu riesgo de cáncer de mama y de otros tipos. ¿Deberías hacerte pruebas para saberlo?
Doctors told me there was just one way to treat my breast cancer. But with my complex medical condition, I knew I’d have to forge my own path.
Los doctores me dijeron que solo había una forma de tratar mi cáncer de mama. Pero con mi trastorno médico complejo, sabía que debía tomar mis propias decisiones.
My breast cancer surgeon missed a red flag, and I’ll always wonder if that changed everything