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best foods for weight loss

Best Dairy for Weight Loss

Best Dairy for Weight Loss

Dairy can be a tough arena to navigate when you're trying to lose weight. But it's packed with nutrients and contributes to feelings of fullness, so try these dairy products.

woman buying fresh bread at the bakery and carrying it in a paper bag

Healthy Carbs for Weight Loss

Carbohydrates are necessary for energy and the right carbs, filled with nutrients and fiber, can help you feel fuller for longer and take off some pounds.

cheerful woman eating an apple for weight loss

The Best Fruits for Weight Loss

The fiber and water in fruits can help you feel full and make it easier to manage your weight. Plus, fruits provide lots of other nutrients to help keep you healthy.

The Best Nuts for Weight Loss

The Best Nuts for Weight Loss

Many varieties of nuts are associated with weight loss and other health benefits, so try adding some—in moderation—to your diet.