A Cardiologist Explains Whether Alcohol Is Good for Your Heart Forget the myth that alcohol is good for your heart. A cardiologist explains why it's healthier to drink alcohol sparingly, if at all.heart health
Effectively Managing Stress Is Good for Your Heart Health Women need to know their risk factors for heart disease and how heart health looks different than for men.heart health
Blood-Thinning Medication and Reversal Treatment Facts Understanding how reversal treatments are used in the case of an emergency.afib
Living Well With AFib Those who have AFib should be well aware of these things: living a healthy lifestyle and reducing stroke risk.heart health
AFib and Blood Thinner Reversal Treatments: What You Need to Know Did you know there are reversal treatments for some blood thinners used to reduce the risk of stroke with AFib?
Common Blood-Thinning Medication Questions People With AFib Ask Here are some frequently asked questions that may help you better understand how blood-thinning medication works and some risks.