4 Things That Pain in Your Left Boob Might Mean
From nothing to something, random pain in your left breast can mean several things. Learn about four of the most common causes.
From nothing to something, random pain in your left breast can mean several things. Learn about four of the most common causes.
Being a caregiver can change your relationship, but there are ways to rekindle the spark
Lots of things can cause a feeling of heaviness in your pelvic area. Learn the most common causes — and when you should seek medical attention
Learn more about PBC, an autoimmune condition that can cause itching and fatigue – and can lead to severe liver damage if left untreated
Obtén información acerca de la CBP, un trastorno autoinmunitario que puede causar comezón y fatiga y puede dar paso a insuficiencia hepática grave si no se trata
I didn’t know my thyroid could have such a big impact on my health overall
Learn more about this often misunderstood sexual orientation
I’ve learned that talking about loss and being together makes the holidays easier for my family
The weather outside is frightful. Here’s how to protect your skin all winter long.
Read our expert tips for dealing with loss and grief during the holidays
As if night sweats and hot flashes weren’t enough, menopause can also cause bladder leakage
Get the answers to all your questions about bladder leakage, a common condition that affects more than half of women
A guide for raising awareness and reducing stigma about lung cancer
New research supports the findings that vaginal estrogen does not increase the risk for breast cancer or recurrence
Try these easy ingredient swaps for healthier options during your Thanksgiving day feast
The world may have moved on from Covid, but I’m still fighting to keep myself safe from the virus
Wearing a cold cap for chemotherapy may reduce hair loss. Here’s what you need to know.
Spotting during menopause isn’t normal. Nobody ever told me that, so I’ve dedicated my life to educating women about critical uterine health issues.
What you need to know about breastfeeding during and after treatment for breast cancer
Lo que debes saber sobre la lactancia durante y después de tratamientos de cáncer de mama
It turned out a secret was lurking in my genes: Most of my family has a BRCA2 gene mutation
Spoiler alert: Yes! Here’s what you need to know about the updated vaccine and new FLiRT Covid variants
Women’s health is on the ballot this November. Here’s what you need to know when you head to the voting booth about where each presidential candidate stands on key women’s health policy issues.