Preventive measures are crucial when we think about beating cancer or heart disease, so also is the case when it comes to serious mental illnesses. At the onset of symptoms such as loss of sleep, feeling tired for no reason, feeling low, feeling anxious or hearing voices, we should act.
These early symptoms might not ever become serious. Like a cough, they often go away on their own and are nothing to fear. But when they do not go away, it typically takes 10 years from the time they first appear until someone gets a correct diagnosis and proper treatment.
In an effort to change this, Mental Health America has partnered with Creating Community Solutions and its Text, Talk, Act program to host a nationwide Text, Talk, Act event on May 27 to coincide with Mental Health Month in an effort to address mental health conditions before stage 4 (#B4Stage4).
Here is more about the event and how you can participate.

Addressing Mental Health Conditions Before Stage 4: Text, Talk, Act
May 22, 2015
Apr 21, 2022
Self-Care & Mental Health