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Gwynn Cassidy

Former Executive director at The Global SHE Initiative

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5 Trick-or-Treating Safety Tips

Family & Caregiving

Planning to go trick-or-treating this Halloween? Keep these five safety tips in mind so that you, and your children, can have a ghoulishly good time ringing those doorbells.

  1. Accompany your children: Join in the fun and go with your kids when they head outdoors. If you can't be there, make sure your children trick-or-treat in groups and insist on adult supervision.
  2. Know whose door you're knocking on: Only visit familiar neighborhoods and approach well-lit houses.
  3. Accept treats from the doorway: Neither you nor your child should ever enter a stranger's home or accept treats from a car.
  4. Remind everyone of the rules of the road: Look both ways before crossing the street, obey all traffic laws and use crosswalks.
  5. When in doubt, throw it out: Thoroughly examine all of the treats collected and confiscate anything that could cause your child to choke or is homemade, unwrapped or possibly tampered with.

Halloween comes only once a year, so enjoy the holiday! With a little common sense and planning, you and your little ones can have a safe and spooktacularly fun-filled Halloween.

Wondering what things to look for (and avoid) in a Halloween costume? Read my 5 Costume Safety Tips for Your Little Ghost or Goblin post.

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