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Kristen Mucci-Mosier

Kristen Mucci-Mosier helps couples and individuals become more present in their bodies and relationships.

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seniors exercising with dumbbells

3 Simple Strength Training Exercises

Just a few months of strength (also called resistance) training—at home, in a gym or fitness center—can lower your cholesterol, reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, help you avoid osteoporosis, decrease arthritic symptoms and build muscle so you remain active and independent for years to come.

Cardiovascular Diseases

If the only weight that you've lifted recently has a power button and can change the channels on your TV then perhaps it's time to consider adding a few new exercises to your routine. Just a few months of strength (also called resistance) training—at home, in a gym or fitness center—can lower your cholesterol, reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, help you avoid osteoporosis, decrease arthritic symptoms and build muscle so you remain active and independent for years to come.

Ten minutes, twice a week
For those of us who are perennially time-crunched (and who isn't?), Michael J. Hewitt, Ph. D., research director for exercise science at Canyon Ranch Health Resort in Tucson, created the strength-building Key 3® program as a minimal approach to strength work. The three exercises in the plan—wall squat, chest press and single arm row—take only about 10 minutes, twice a week. In that brief time, the three exercises work about 85 percent of the body's muscle mass. They can also stimulate bone growth, helping to curb osteopenia at the same time they're fighting sarcopenia.

Start building your muscle strength now with these three simple exercises:

Wall Squat: (When first beginning this exercise, don't use any weights for the first two weeks.)
• Stand with your back against a smooth wall. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart and about a 1-1/2 to two of your foot lengths from the wall.
• Bend knees slightly; hang arms freely at sides, using holding light weights.
• Slowly slide your back down the wall until knees come close to a 90-degree angle, but do not exceed it.
• Then press upward, back still against wall, until legs are nearly straight.
• Repeat.
Typically healthy adults will hold 10 to 25 lb in each hand (women) or 15 to 35 lb (men). Size of weights used will depend on one's body weight and strength level.

Chest Press:
• Lie on back with bent knees, arms perpendicular to body.
• Hold hand weights (3 to 5 lb. to start) directly over elbows.
• Slowly press hands up, bringing weights together in a triangular motion.
• Lower weights slowly until elbows return to floor.

Single Arm Row:
• Place one hand and knee on bench or edge of chair, with other foot on floor.
• Keep back flat and parallel to floor.
• Hold hand weight (8 to 10 lb. to start) in free hand, hanging directly below shoulder.
• Raise weight slowly to just under shoulder. Keep elbow close to side.
• Lower slowly and repeat.
• Reverse position to work opposite side.

Rules of the game
When just starting out, aim to do one set of eight to 12 repetitions (called reps) of each exercise. With strength training, you work to a level of fatigue at the end of each set. If you can only do six reps, you may need a lighter weight. If you easily reach 13 reps, it is time to use a heavier weight.

As you become accustomed to the exercises, build to doing two sets of each exercise, twice a week. With proficiency, you'll still be able to complete a session in about 10 minutes. You may even add a third session during the week, but allow at least a day's rest between them.

Note: the first exercise can be done with an exercise ball (pictured). Click hereto see more exercises you can do with a stability ball.
Learn simple stretches for warming up before your workout by clicking here.

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C. diff is the name of a common, easily transmittable infection caused by the bacterium Clostridioides difficile. The infection causes your colon (bowel) wall to become inflamed, resulting in severe, watery diarrhea. Left untreated, it can cause a serious complication called toxic megacolon.

C. diff affects about 250,000 people in the United States every year. Some people get it only once in their lifetime, but if you have a C. diff infection, there is up to a 1 in 4 chance you might relapse (the same infection returns) or get it again within eight weeks. People at the highest risk for a C. diff infection are those who take or have recently taken antibiotics, especially if they have a weak immune system.

The bacteria live in feces (poop), and in soil and water. They spread easily and can live for a long time on hard and soft surfaces, like linens and clothing. If someone who has C. diff on their hands touches a door handle and you touch it after, the bacteria transfer to your hand. They then can enter your gastrointestinal system if you touch your mouth or handle food before washing your hands.

Protect yourself and others from getting a C. diff infection in a healthcare setting

hand washing in a hospital

If you are a patient in a hospital, skilled nursing facility or rehabilitation center, you are at higher risk of getting a C. diff infection — not just because you likely have a weak immune system from the condition that put you in the facility but also because of the number of people you may encounter while you’re there.

Here are some steps you can take to lower the risk of getting C. diff in a healthcare facility:

  1. Make sure all healthcare workers and visitors wash their hands before they touch you and your things. If you don’t see them wash their hands, ask them to do so.
  2. Wash your hands well with soap and water every time you use the bathroom. If you use a bedside commode, ask to be transported to a sink to wash your hands or use a waterless hand sanitizer.
  3. Wash your hands before eating or drinking. If you can’t get to a sink, ask the staff or a friend to supply you with a waterless hand sanitizer to use while you are in bed or sitting in your chair.
  4. Allow cleaning staff access to your environment. Clear everything off the bedside table or nightstand, and remove clothing or linens from the bedside rails so they can be wiped down.

Patients with a diagnosed C. diff infection should not share a room with someone who does not have the infection. If you do share a room and your roommate contracts C. diff, ask to be moved.

Stop the spread of C. diff at home

household cleaning supplies

C. diff doesn’t just affect people in healthcare facilities. It can happen at home, too.

Here are steps you can take to reduce the risk of spreading C. diff at home:

  1. If your home has a second bathroom, reserve one for the person with the C. diff infection to limit exposure to others.
  2. If your home has only one bathroom, make sure the toilet seat, flusher, faucets, light switches and doorknob are cleaned with a bleach-based cleaner after each use.
  3. If the infected person is immobile, keep waterless hand sanitizer within reach.
  4. Clean common home surfaces (door knobs, light switches, fridge handles, etc.).
  5. Wash clothing (especially underwear), towels and linens separately and in the hottest water possible.
  6. Wear disposable gloves while handling clothing and linens, especially if the person is incontinent (loses control of their bowels). Wash your hands after removing the gloves.
  7. Shower with soap to remove C. diff that may be on the skin.

This educational resource was created with support from Seres Therapeutics and Nestle Health Science.