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Jayne Jang Belz

Jayne Jang Belz brings over five years of experience in healthy living content editing, writing and producing to her role as Assistant Editor.

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Female Veterans Who Inspire Us

Female Veterans Who Inspire Us

HealthyWomen thanks female veterans who have served our country. We share a short list of veterans who inspire us on Instagram.

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Veterans Day is a chance to pause and thank all our men and women in uniform who have served our country to protect the freedoms we enjoy—as well the families who support them.

As a spouse to a Navy helicopter veteran, I know first-hand what soldiers and sailors sacrifice in order to serve. Friends have missed the birth of a child, been far away when a family member suffered a health issue, put life-changing plans like weddings or further schooling on hold because their country needed them.

These courageous men and women put country before everything, including their own safety.

To show our appreciation and gratitude on this day of remembrance, we share posts from some of our favorite and most inspiring veterans — women who like HealthyWomen are committed to sharing their own health journey.

  1. @mstockwell01 (Melissa Stockwell)

    Someone once told me that when you run with the jogging stroller you get to add a few extra miles to your total mileage. So instead of my 4 miles, I'm going to claim I ran 6. Any other momma's agree? ️#momstrong

    This former U.S. Army officer, Purple Heart recipient and wounded vet is also a mom, two-time Paralympian and 2016 bronze medalist.

  2. @sweetandsavagelife (Jennifer)

    Happy 243rd birthday to the worlds greatest Navy and all my sisters and brothers who are and have served. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The Navy was not my plan, but the best things never are. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I learned who I am in the Navy. I saw things that will forever change my perspective. I met people from all over the world, all walks of life, and called them family. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I am forever proud and grateful for my service, my families service, and the service of everyone who wore and still wears the uniform. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ GO NAVY! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #militarylife #militaryfamily #happybirthdaynavy #navy #veteran #navyveteran #deploymentlife #deploymentsurvival #militarylifestyle #familyseperation #familylife #sandiegomilitary #femaleveteran #herservice #ffwomenwarriors #womenwarriors #honorherservice #empowerherfuture

    139 Likes, 15 Comments - Jennifer (@sweetandsavagelife) on Instagram: "Happy 243rd birthday to the worlds greatest Navy and all my sisters and brothers who are and have..."

    Not only is Jennifer a U.S. Navy veteran, she is also a military wife. She sees all sides of what it means to be a family who serves.

  3. @senduckworth (Tammy Duckworth)

    Senator Tammy Duckworth on Instagram: "Just broke my leg rowing - I blame my hardcore pace. Luckily, it no longer hurts to break a leg!"

    Now a Senator from Illinois, Tammy Duckworth is an Army veteran who suffered combat wounds during the Iraq War, causing her to become a double amputee.

  4. @kasievalenti (Kasie Valenti)

    To our past, present and future- HAPPY VETERANS DAY #happyveteransday

    This Army veteran doesn’t let motherhood or pregnancy stop her from staying committed to a fit lifestyle.

  5. @yazzysofit

    This Navy veteran is a mom who shares her fitness journey with her own kids — and makes time to inspire the next generation of women of color in STEM at the United States Naval Academy.

  6. @tritoyoga

    Hi I am Maggie. I introduced my family the other day but really haven't introduced myself yet. Here are three fun facts about me. ⠀ 1. For college I went to the United Stated Naval Academy (Class of 2007). I am still in the Navy and fly P-8 Posidens as a Naval Flight Officers. ⠀ 2. I went to the US Naval Test Pilot School in 2013-2014. It was the hardest and most rewarding thing I have done in the Navy. ⠀ 3. My husband and I met at the gym on NAS Pensacola in 2007. We were both on the Erg (rowing machine) when we started a conversation. We both rowers in college. Go @navywomensrowing

    This mom of two (and soon-to-be three) is a triathlete, yoga instructor, veteran, and Naval Flight Officer. We love her commitment to fitness both in and out of uniform.

  7. @counting.kelly

    "This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave." -Elmer Davis Happy Veterans Day to all of the women and men who have served our great country! {I'm a proud 3rd generation female veteran on my Mom's side and a proud 3rd generation Navy veteran on my Dad's side. Ian and I met while we were on deployment - he was in the Marine Corps.} Thank you to all who have served! ❤️❤️ #veteransday #veteran #usmcveteran #navyveteran #femaleveteran

    A third-generation female veteran on her mom’s side and a third-generation Navy veteran on her dad’s side, Kelly and her husband served in the Marine Corps. Today she is also a Weight Watchers Ambassador.

  8. @magicofchange

    As a #veteran, nothing checks your ego faster than a photo of yourself as a total POG BOOT . . . #poglivesmatter #iveupgradedgrass #usmc

    Julia is a Marine veteran who’s a health enthusiast and shares workout inspiration we can all use.

  9. @redefinemiwellness

    Thank you today, and everyday, to the Veterans who served before me, right beside me, and those currently serving. ---- We didn't have class today, but please join me tomorrow evening to complete a workout in honor of our Nation's Veterans. As always, children are welcome, and the workout will be modifiable for all fitness levels! See you at 6:30! #proudAmerican #proudcombatveteran #femaleveteran #redefinewellness #redefineyourself #strongfromtheinsideout #strengthtraining #ArmyVeteran #womenswellness #redefinewomenswellness #childfriendly #personaltraining #groupfitness #healthymom #fitmomsofig #midmichigan #michiganmom #lansingareamoms

    This Army veteran now helps women as a prenatal and postnatal corrective exercise fitness professional.

To these women and all veterans, we thank you for your service. Follow these inspiring women and be sure to follow HealthyWomen on Instagram (@HealthyWomenOrg) too.

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