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Questions to Ask Your Health Care Provider About HPV

Questions to Ask Your Health Care Provider About HPV

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  1. What is the human papillomavirus (HPV)?
  2. What cervical cancer screening tests do I need at this exam?
  3. [If you are 21 to 29 years of age] If my Pap test results are not normal, will you do an HPV test?
  4. If I have an abnormal Pap test, does this mean I have HPV?
  5. [If you are 30 or older] Are you doing both an HPV test and a Pap test together?
  6. Will the HPV test tell me if I have the two most high-risk types of HPV—HPV 16 or 18?
  7. What happens next if my HPV test shows that I have HPV?
  8. I want to know my test results, even if everything comes back fine. How can I get the results?
  9. Since I no longer need annual Pap tests, what tests will you do during my annual visit?
  10. Can I get the HPV vaccine?

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