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Pelvic Health Specialists

Pelvic Health Specialists

Where to turn for help

Your Body

If you think you have pelvic health condition, it's important to get a proper diagnosis—which means you need to see a doctor with experience treating one or more pelvic health disorders. Several types of health care professionals treat these conditions; they include:

  • General Practitioner (GP): This is your family physician and a good place to begin discussing your symptoms. A GP doesn't have a specific medical specialty, but instead treats a variety of medical problems in patients of all ages. Your GP can refer you to a specialist who treats pelvic conditions.
  • Obstetrician/Gynecologist (OB/GYN): This specialist focuses on female reproductive health, including pregnancy, childbirth and the recuperative period following delivery. You might find your ob/gyn appointment a convenient place to ask about your pelvic health concerns.
  • Urologist: This is a surgeon who treats disorders of the urinary system and can help diagnose and treat SUI.
  • Urogynecologist: This specialist treats disorders of the reproductive system and the urinary tract. A urogynecologist might be a good option if you require pelvic floor repair and SUI treatment.
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