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Women's Health Policy

Current State of Women’s Preventive Care
More than 55 million women ages 19 to 64 can receive preventive care through their health plan without a deductible or copay. But this will change due to the recent vote by the House of Representatives to repeal the ACA. 

Our Care Is In Jeopardy
The vote to repeal the ACA means it is up to us to ensure our voices are heard, so we can #KeeptheCare. 

How You Can Help Keep the Care 
Join HealthyWomen to help raise awareness of the women’s preventive health services that are now available under most insurance plans and the importance to women, families, and the health system of keeping this coverage. 

Take action
Find your senators' contact information by going to

Use the below as a call script or letter template: 

Hi, my name is [NAME] and I'm a constituent from [CITY, ZIP]. I don’t need a response.

I'm [writing or calling] to encourage Sen./Rep. [NAME] to ensure there is continued insurance coverage of women’s preventive health services. 

Currently, under the ACA, 26 services are covered with no deductibles or copays, including mammograms, breast and cervical cancer screenings, and prenatal care. Recent surveys show 81% of the public want all health plans to continue covering women’s preventive care. 

 Please oppose any legislation that does not mandate all health plans, including state Medicaid plans, maintain coverage for women’s preventive health services without cost-sharing requirements. 

Thank you for all your hard work! 

Sign up to stay informed and to find out when we launch our #keepthecare advocacy toolkit.

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