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Conversations With Your Eye Care Professional May Reveal More Than Meets the Eye Image

Conversations With Your Eye Care Professional May Reveal More Than Meets the Eye

A conversation with your eye doctor can help identify things that might not turn up in the eye exam and spot signs of health conditions that first manifest with eye symptoms.

Eye Conditions & Disorders

By Elizabeth Shimer Bowers

The eyes may be a window to the soul, but more importantly, they're a telescope into the rest of the body. An eye care professional can detect numerous health conditions years before outward symptoms arise—just from your eyes. And because your eyes are your own personal window to everything around you—your loved ones, beautiful scenery or even a threat to your safety—it's critical that you have a good relationship with your eye care professional.

Today, people take a more active role in their health care than ever before. You can consider your health care providers your partners in your health journey. A key part of this relationship with all your health care providers—eye care included—is the conversations you have in the doctor’s office. In fact, good communication can be as important as the physical exam in identifying symptoms, determining a diagnosis and developing a treatment plan that works best for you.

A conversation with your eye doctor can help identify things that might not turn up in the eye exam and spot signs of health conditions that first manifest with eye symptoms. That's why it's important for you to talk openly and honestly with your eye care professional about any symptoms or changes related to your eye health, even if you don't think there's an issue.

A recent online survey of 1,053 adult Americans conducted by Allergan, makers of Restasis Multidose® (cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion) 0.05%, and Kelton Global revealed some interesting findings concerning the conversations between people and their health care providers, including those involved in their eye care.

Here's an overview of some of the most important results:

It's time to talk with your eye care professional. When it comes to having a conversation about their health, more than half (53%) of respondents said they're most comfortable talking with their general practitioner about their health, while only 6 percent said the same about their ophthalmologist or optometrist. This isn't surprising, because general practitioners deal with conditions that may affect overall health. However, because eyes can reveal important clues about a person's health in general, it's also important that people feel comfortable talking with their eye care professionals.

First, make the appointment. When asked if they've visited an eye care professional within the last five years, 82 percent of respondents said yes. The American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends all adults get a baseline eye exam by an ophthalmologist or optometrist by age 40. If you have an eye disease or risk factors for developing one, such as a family history of eye problems, high blood pressure or diabetes, you should start seeing an eye care professional earlier. Once you reach the age of 65, you should get a comprehensive eye exam every one to two years, as recommended by your eye care professional. These guidelines apply even if you have naturally perfect vision or wear glasses or contact lenses.

So, you've made your next appointment—now how do you make the most of your time with your eye doctor?

How can you have a better conversation? When asked which topics they are most likely to bring up during a conversation with their eye care professional, over half (58%) say a change in vision, more than a third (37%) mention problems with glasses or contact lenses, and more than a quarter (28%) ask about blurriness. While these are important concerns, not enough people bring up other symptoms that can signal problems. For example, only 20 percent talk about sensitivity to light, 15 percent ask about watering eyes, 14 percent mention itchiness, and 12 percent say it feels like something is in their eyes. Some people may not discuss these issues because they aren't having problems with them, but oftentimes many just don’t realize these symptoms could be a sign of something more. That’s why it’s crucial to pay attention to changes related to the eyes, not just vision.

These conversations with your eye doctor can help you understand what is considered normal, as well as identify any chronic conditions that might benefit from treatment—such as chronic dry eye.

Assumptions that nothing is wrong. The survey revealed some patients don't openly discuss concerns about their eyes with their eye care professionals. Why? Among those with concerns, nearly half (45%) of survey respondents don't openly discuss concerns with their eye doctor because they don't think it's a serious issue, hope it will go away on its own or assume it's a natural consequence of aging. The only way to get to the bottom of symptoms or changes in your eyes is to have a candid conversation with your eye care professional. The sooner you and your provider discuss any issues, the better. If you are diagnosed with a type of chronic dry eye, ask about treatment options like Restasis Multidose®, which helps increase your eyes' natural ability to produce tears, which may be reduced by inflammation due to chronic dry eye. Restasis Multidose® is the only FDA-approved, preservative-free, prescription eye drop in the United States to be offered in a multidose bottle.

Relax and have that conversation. When asked how they would describe their conversations with their eye care professionals, the vast majority of respondents said they were positive (88%) and helpful (75%), and almost one-third (29%) even went as far as to call the conversations "enjoyable."

Overall, the survey results reveal a need for people to talk more openly and honestly with their eye care professionals about any symptoms or changes related to their eyes. After all, the conversation you have with your eye doctor is essential in receiving the right diagnosis.

This resource was developed with the support of Allergan.

Read Related Content:
How to Talk About Your Eyes
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C. diff is the name of a common, easily transmittable infection caused by the bacterium Clostridioides difficile. The infection causes your colon (bowel) wall to become inflamed, resulting in severe, watery diarrhea. Left untreated, it can cause a serious complication called toxic megacolon.

C. diff affects about 250,000 people in the United States every year. Some people get it only once in their lifetime, but if you have a C. diff infection, there is up to a 1 in 4 chance you might relapse (the same infection returns) or get it again within eight weeks. People at the highest risk for a C. diff infection are those who take or have recently taken antibiotics, especially if they have a weak immune system.

The bacteria live in feces (poop), and in soil and water. They spread easily and can live for a long time on hard and soft surfaces, like linens and clothing. If someone who has C. diff on their hands touches a door handle and you touch it after, the bacteria transfer to your hand. They then can enter your gastrointestinal system if you touch your mouth or handle food before washing your hands.

Protect yourself and others from getting a C. diff infection in a healthcare setting

hand washing in a hospital

If you are a patient in a hospital, skilled nursing facility or rehabilitation center, you are at higher risk of getting a C. diff infection — not just because you likely have a weak immune system from the condition that put you in the facility but also because of the number of people you may encounter while you’re there.

Here are some steps you can take to lower the risk of getting C. diff in a healthcare facility:

  1. Make sure all healthcare workers and visitors wash their hands before they touch you and your things. If you don’t see them wash their hands, ask them to do so.
  2. Wash your hands well with soap and water every time you use the bathroom. If you use a bedside commode, ask to be transported to a sink to wash your hands or use a waterless hand sanitizer.
  3. Wash your hands before eating or drinking. If you can’t get to a sink, ask the staff or a friend to supply you with a waterless hand sanitizer to use while you are in bed or sitting in your chair.
  4. Allow cleaning staff access to your environment. Clear everything off the bedside table or nightstand, and remove clothing or linens from the bedside rails so they can be wiped down.

Patients with a diagnosed C. diff infection should not share a room with someone who does not have the infection. If you do share a room and your roommate contracts C. diff, ask to be moved.

Stop the spread of C. diff at home

household cleaning supplies

C. diff doesn’t just affect people in healthcare facilities. It can happen at home, too.

Here are steps you can take to reduce the risk of spreading C. diff at home:

  1. If your home has a second bathroom, reserve one for the person with the C. diff infection to limit exposure to others.
  2. If your home has only one bathroom, make sure the toilet seat, flusher, faucets, light switches and doorknob are cleaned with a bleach-based cleaner after each use.
  3. If the infected person is immobile, keep waterless hand sanitizer within reach.
  4. Clean common home surfaces (door knobs, light switches, fridge handles, etc.).
  5. Wash clothing (especially underwear), towels and linens separately and in the hottest water possible.
  6. Wear disposable gloves while handling clothing and linens, especially if the person is incontinent (loses control of their bowels). Wash your hands after removing the gloves.
  7. Shower with soap to remove C. diff that may be on the skin.

This educational resource was created with support from Seres Therapeutics and Nestle Health Science.