It's natural to feel a bit sluggish at times, especially considering the demands put on the modern woman, who is often expected to have a booming career and a well-run household. And, reaching for an extra large mocha latte is likely to only give a temporary boost and leave you feeling even groggier than before.
Women who are looking for ways to increase their energy levels sans caffeine, drugs or supplements—most of which have little to no science to back them—only need to make some lifestyle adjustments to fuel their busy lives.
1. De-stress
Tension and anxiety are extremely draining not only on the mind, but the body as well. Essentially, when the brain senses stress, it sends chemical responses that activate the nervous system, which can affect all of the organs and result in a rapid heartbeat and digestive problems. These physiological and mental effects are sure to deplete energy levels.
The first step in de-stressing is identifying your main stressors, and then determining which of them can be alleviated. For example, if you're taking on extra responsibility at work that's causing you to stay at the office for extended hours or even lose sleep, consider talking to your manager about distributing some of your duties. Most organizations are sensitive to employees' stress levels and need for a work-life balance.
Other ways to let go of stress include meditation and yoga, which help align the body and mind to reduce tension and promote overall well-being. Even simply closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths when you feel overcome by stress may be more helpful than you think.
2. Work it out
While making time in your day for exercise may seem like an impossible task, the benefits of physical activity are significant enough for you to prioritize a daily walk or jog, even if it means giving up watching the evening news.
Exercise does more than give you strong muscles and a slim waistline, as it also stimulates the production of the hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine, which keep you alert and energized throughout the day. Moreover, increased physical activity may make the metabolism more efficient, meaning you can say good-bye to post-meal sluggishness.
Getting 30 minutes of activity every day can be easy, too. When taking the kids to the park to play, consider joining in on the fun by starting a game of soccer or softball. Also, if you and your partner typically reserve some time to relax together in the evening, think about going for a walk rather than sitting on the couch.
3. Get your 40 winks
This one should seem obvious: If you don't get enough sleep, you're going to be tired the next day. What's not so easy is how to achieve this when your to-do list keeps running through your mind during the night.
The first two strategies of de-stressing and exercising may help you get a proper night's sleep. But there are some other efforts you can make that can also ensure a restful eight hours.
First, avoid caffeine in the afternoon and evening. Even though the initial jolt you get from a cup of coffee may wear away within a couple of hours, caffeine has effects on the brain that may last much longer and potentially interfere with your internal clock.
Forgoing naps during the day can also help you feel ready for bed at night. Additionally, try not to use your bed for activities other than sleep and sex, and keep your bedroom clean, cool and dark.

3 Ways to Improve Your Energy Levels (Caffeine Not Included)
Jul 02, 2012
May 31, 2023
Self-Care & Mental Health