As you age, the structure of your kidneys can change, reducing their ability to remove wastes. Illness and injury can also affect the filtering ability of the kidneys or block urine's passage. READ MORE
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Urologic Conditions & Diseases
Urologic Conditions & Diseases
If you're leaking urine when you cough, laugh or sneeze, or you have sudden urges to go to the bathroom that are so intense you fear you won't get there in time, you're probably experiencing incontinence. The inability to control urination is frequently a treatable, and often curable, problem faced by millions of Americans, many of them women. READ MORE
Urinary Tract Infections
Most urinary tract infections are caused by a variety of bacteria, including Escherichia coli (E. coli), found in feces. Because the openings of the bowel, vagina and urethra are close together, it's easy for the bacteria to spread to the urethra and travel up the urinary tract into the bladder and sometimes the kidneys. READ MORE
Overactive Bladder
Have you ever planned your morning errands around when and where you could find a bathroom? Are you waking up a few times every night because you feel an urgent need to pee? If you have a combination of any of these issues, you may have a condition called overactive bladder. READ MORE
10 Reasons You Might Have Blood in Your Urine
Learn what causes blood in urine, and what you should do if it happens to you
10 razones por las cuales podrías tener sangre en la orina
Conoce qué causa que haya sangre en la orina y lo que deberías hacer si eso ocurre
Overactive Bladder Can Affect Your Daily Life
If you need to pee frequently, find out how you can manage this common condition
True or False: Urothelial Bladder Cancer
Take our quiz to test your knowledge of bladder cancer and learn how to decrease your risk
Verdadero o falso: Cáncer de vejiga urotelial
Responde nuestro cuestionario para evaluar tu conocimiento del cáncer de vejiga y para enterarte cómo reducir tu riesgo.
How to Regain Intimacy When Your Partner Has Bladder Cancer
Being a caregiver can change your relationship, but there are ways to rekindle the spark
Cómo recuperar la intimidad cuando tu pareja tiene cáncer de vejiga
Ser la cuidadora de alguien puede cambiar tu relación, pero hay formas para reavivar la pasión
Bladder Cancer and Black Women
Bladder cancer is not just a white man’s disease — and when Black women get bladder cancer, they often have worse outcomes
El cáncer de vejiga y las mujeres de raza negra
Cuando las mujeres de raza negra desarrollan cáncer de vejiga, sus desenlaces clínicos frecuentemente son peores que los de sus contrapartes de raza blanca. Entérate de por qué ocurre eso.
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