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Ovulation and sperm deficiencies are the most common infertility problems, accounting for two-thirds of all cases. READ MORE


pregnant woman with big belly advanced pregnancy in hands

Pregnancy and Cervical Cancer: Know Your Options

You might wonder if pregnancy is possible after you’ve had cervical cancer, but plenty of options exist to grow your family

pregnant woman with big belly advanced pregnancy in hands

El embarazo y el cáncer cervical: Conoce tus opciones

Si te preguntas si el embarazo es posible después de tener cáncer cervical, hay muchas opciones disponibles para que tu familia crezca

woman suffering from a headache due to Low Progesterone Symptoms

Low Progesterone Symptoms

Progesterone is a hormone that regulates many functions in a woman's body. Learn to recognize low progesterone and what you can do about it.

Sasha Ottey

Positivity Was My Secret Weapon Against PCOS and Infertility

When my biological clock started ticking, I had no idea how many challenges I would face

True or False: Endometriosis

True or False: Endometriosis

Take our quiz to see how much you know about endometriosis stages and other facts about this common health condition

Fast Facts: What You Need to Know About Endometriosis

FAQs: What You Need to Know About Endometriosis

It can take years for women to get diagnosed. Learn about the condition to get the help you need.

INFERTILITY form to learn more about Infertility Treatment Options

Infertility Treatment Options

If you’re dealing with fertility issues, here are the treatments that may be available to you

IVF cost and the price for fertility treatments

Even When IVF Is Covered by Insurance, High Bills and Hassles Abound

Only 15 states require insurance to cover fertility treatments

Kunttas Family

The Unicorn in the Room: My Infertility Journey Led to an Unexpected Discovery

Fertility testing revealed that I have a rare condition that makes becoming and staying pregnant difficult

Disappointed african-american woman getting unexpected result from pregnancy test

Infertility Isn’t Just a Physical Journey — It’s an Emotional One, Too

Struggling with infertility can have a lasting effect on your mental health, whether your journey ends in a baby or not

Lisa and her baby, 2021

Our Gestational Carrier Brought Us the Joy of Parenthood — and Friendship

When Kathleen carried our baby, she became a part of our family, too

couple of lovers relaxing in bed at home, enjoying each other

Sex, Fertility and Breast Cancer

Breast cancer doesn't have to mean an end to your sex life or your plans to have a family

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States Act To Safeguard Young Cancer Patients' Chances To Have Children

Some states are requiring insurance to pay for preserving eggs and sperm for young patients undergoing cancer chemotherapy so they have opportunities to have children later.

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