Colon cancer is cancer of the large intestine or the rectum, and is often called colorectal cancer. READ MORE
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Colon Cancer
Colon Cancer
The Good, the Bad, and the Bathroom Dash: What to Do Before and After Your Colonoscopy
The colonoscopy and the recovery are usually easy. The day before? Get ready for a memorable evening in the bathroom.
True or False? Colon Cancer
Take our quiz to see how much you know about this highly preventable disease
Your Guide to Colon Cancer Screening Tests
Knowing your colon cancer test options may help you decide which one is right for you
Guía de pruebas para la detección de cáncer de colon
Saber qué opciones tienes de pruebas de cáncer de colon podría ser útil para que decidas cuál es la adecuada para ti
Treatment Options for Colon Cancer
Early diagnosis makes treatment easier, but there are options for every stage.
Opciones de tratamiento para el cáncer de colon
Un diagnóstico temprano facilita el tratamiento, pero hay opciones para cada etapa
I Was 'Too Young' to Have Colon Cancer
When I was 29, I was told my symptoms were from pregnancy — but a year later, I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer
Era “demasiado joven” para tener cáncer de colon
Cuando tenía 29 años, me dijeron que mis síntomas eran de un embarazo, pero un año después, me diagnosticaron cáncer de colon de etapa 4
As a Mom, I Always Put My Needs Last – Until Stage 4 Colon Cancer Showed Up
It feels strange to say, but I’m healthier now than I’ve ever been
Como madre, siempre puse mis necesidades al último, hasta que apareció el cáncer de colon de etapa 4
Es raro decirlo, pero ahora tengo mejor salud que nunca
DIY: Hemorrhoids Self-Care
Learn about the different ways you can help prevent painful hemorrhoids and how to get rid of hemorrhoids at home
Can Racial Bias Limit Access to Colon Cancer Screening and Treatment for Women of Color?
Black patients could be less likely to get screening referrals that could lower colon cancer mortality rates
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