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Young Adult Woman with Hearing Aid

You Can Now Buy Hearing Aids Over the Counter

Here’s what to consider if you’re thinking about getting over-the-counter hearing aids

Customer receiving medication from pharmacist

You May Soon Be Able to Buy Hearing Aids Over the Counter at Your Local Pharmacy

Implementation of a new law will get hearing aids into ears more quickly and cheaply

Young woman tightly covers her ears with her hands

Why Do We Hate the Sound of Our Own Voices?

When played back to you on a recording, your voice can sound unrecognizable

How to Hear Better When You Have Hearing Loss

How to Hear Better When Your Hearing Goes South

Hearing loss is very common in older people, but many don't see help because of cost, social stigma, appearance and other reason. Increasingly, there are options for affordable and discreet hearing aids.

All About Tinnitus

All About Tinnitus

Tinnitus usually happens when the tiny sensory hair cells in your inner ear are injured or damaged. You may hear sounds like ringing, buzzing, swishing or roaring.

Menopause and Hearing Loss

Say What? Menopause and Hearing Loss

If you find yourself turning up the volume or asking people to repeat themselves, you may be experiencing hearing loss. And you're not alone.

Can You Hear Me Now? Senate Bill On Hearing Aids May Make The Answer ‘Yes’

Why Access to Hearing Aids Needs to Improve

Many people have mild or moderate hearing loss but don’t get hearing aids – that could change with access to over the counter and online hearing aids and Medicare coverage for individual fitting and adjustments so people find their hearing aids are more c

illustration of an older woman saying "what?"

Celebrate National Better Hearing Month With a Free Screening

Hearing loss is common as you age. Duracell offers a free hearing screening by telephone.