My Doctor Told Me to Go Get Pregnant to Treat My Endometriosis
After endometriosis surgery didn’t work, I was told to get pregnant or have a hysterectomy to help stop the pain
After endometriosis surgery didn’t work, I was told to get pregnant or have a hysterectomy to help stop the pain
Uterine health conditions, like fibroids, can be hard to manage at work, but accommodations and support are available
Take our quiz to see how much you know about endometriosis stages and other facts about this common health condition
The field of robotic-assisted OB-GYN surgery is growing. Here’s what you should know.
El campo de la cirugía ginecológica obstétrica con asistencia robótica es cada vez más importante. Aquí encontrarás lo que debes saber. The field of robotic-assisted OB-GYN surgery is growing. Here’s what you should know.
How to tell the difference about these conditions with similar symptoms and what to do about it either way
I wish doctors had listened to me, and I wish I’d known to advocate for myself
It can take years for women to get diagnosed. Learn about the condition to get the help you need.
HealthyWomen spoke with Heather Guidone about her experience being diagnosed with a uterine health condition
HealthyWomen spoke with Mary Jane Minkin, M.D., about why uterine conditions are so hard for healthcare providers to diagnose, and what patients can do to help
If you have endometriosis, these are the 9 questions you need to ask when choosing health insurance
Contraceptives help with many health concerns beyond pregnancy prevention, yet millions of women struggle to access them
Endometriosis affects 1 out of 10 women — but it’s still taboo, misunderstood and critically underfunded
Even though I had access to comprehensive healthcare and specialists, my symptoms were still dismissed
I was having a medical emergency but racism, classism and sexism got in the way of my care
Most women avoid talking about menstruation, which can lead to delayed diagnosis and serious health complications
If at first you are denied, try, try again
The ins and outs of getting what you need from your health insurance
Watch this video to learn about the symptoms, risk factors and treatments for endometriosis
It's time to implement the SUPPORT Act
Why women suffer more from chronic pain
I didn't realize that getting and staying pregnant would prove the most frightening experience of my life
What you need to know about the procedure: reasons, risks and alternatives