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Other Cancers

Real Women, Real Stories

Jearlean Taylor

I Became a Cancer Survivor at Age 3

Life after cancer is all I’ve known. I’ve tried to use my story to make a difference for others.

I Lost My Singing Career to Thyroid Cancer — And Found My True Voice

I Lost My Singing Career to Thyroid Cancer — And Found My True Voice

I can’t fix my broken instrument, but I can still bring beautiful music to the world

Back shot of Japanese woman a view of the sea

I Went Through Menopause Early to Prevent My Cancer from Coming Back

After surviving breast cancer and induced menopause, I’m struggling to stay mentally healthy

Allison Disarufino

Caring for Caregivers During Cancer Treatment Is Important, Too

Using a meal delivery schedule service has helped me care for the people I love

How I Overcame Anal Cancer and Threw a Huge Party

How I Overcame Anal Cancer and Threw a Huge Party

No one ever told me my HPV diagnosis could lead to anal cancer. Now I'm on a mission to educate people, save lives and dispel the stigma around this increasingly common disease.

I Had a 13.5-Pound Tumor in My Abdomen, but I’m Fighting Back

I Had a 13.5-Pound Tumor in My Abdomen, but I’m Fighting Back

After surviving a rare type of cancer, I've become an avid runner and an organic gardener.

Sarah Nielsen

I’m Not Ashamed Anymore to Talk About My Vaginal Cancer

Sarah is determined to make my experience count for something bigger than herself. Read her story of hope.

April Doyle

I Will Not Be Shamed for Using Opioids to Manage My Cancer Pain

One woman’s story about how her pharmacist made her feel wrong for taking opioids for her cancer pain.


Asian female gynecologist talking to her patient about cervical cancer clinical trials

What You Need to Know About Clinical Trials

Here are answers to frequently asked questions about clinical trials

Husband and wife touching heads

Good Sex with Emily Jamea: Sex After Cancer

Cancer and treatments like chemotherapy can have sexual side effects — but you can reclaim your sexuality and find intimacy again

superbugs illustration

How Superbugs Put Cancer Patients at Risk

Antimicrobial resistance may make cancer treatment less effective

Loving daughter embraces aging mother

Caring for Someone With Cancer Is Emotional — and Expensive

Caregiving can be overwhelming, lonely and costly. Here are some tips to lighten the load.

Profile Portrait of an African Woman With Cancer

Women Pay the Price for Cancer

It's important to talk to your doctor about the cost of cancer care

Toilet paper with sad face on beige background

Is It Hemorrhoids or Something Worse?

How to know when to talk to your doctor

orean woman with cancer is meeting with her doctor

Do You Need to See a Cardio-Oncologist?

Lifesaving treatments can increase the risk of heart disease. A cardio-oncologist can help keep your heart healthy while you fight cancer.

woman with cancer holds her preschool-age daughter in her lap by their living window

Follicular Lymphoma: What You Should Know

Follicular lymphoma is characterized by cycles of remission and relapse and is the second most common form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Talking to Your Health Care Provider About Follicular Lymphoma

Talking to Your Health Care Provider About Follicular Lymphoma

Lymphoma specialist Dr. Connie Lee Batlevi details important questions patients need to ask

Experiencing Odd Aches and Pains? When to Ask About Cancer and Metastatic Bone Disease

Don't wait until symptoms are present to ask your health care provider about metastatic bone disease

When Cancer Leads to Early Menopause

When Cancer Leads to Early Menopause

Younger women can experience menopause after cancer treatment. Here's how to manage it

Exclusive Interview with Fran Drescher

Exclusive Interview with Fran Drescher

The star of "The Nanny" opens up about her cancer journey.

Female and Single: A Double Whammy for Cancer Care

Female and Single: A Double Whammy for Cancer Care

Single cancer patients don't get the same care as married patients — and it's even worse for single women.


hundred dollar bills and drug vials + syringe on top of a chemotherapy transport bag

Lidiar con los costos del cáncer

Cómo obtener apoyo financiero si estás tratando de obtener atención para el cáncer

Asian female gynecologist talking to her patient about cervical cancer clinical trials

Lo que debes saber sobre los ensayos clínicos

Aquí encontrarás respuestas a preguntas frecuentes acerca de los ensayos clínicos

¿Necesita Ver a un Cardio-Oncólogo?

¿Necesita Ver a un Cardio-Oncólogo?

Los tratamientos que salvan vidas pueden aumentar el riesgo de enfermedades cardíacas. Un cardio-oncólogo puede ayudar a mantener su corazón sano mientras lucha contra el cáncer.