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Colorectal Cancer

Real Women, Real Stories

Jenna Scott

I Was 'Too Young' to Have Colon Cancer

When I was 29, I was told my symptoms were from pregnancy — but a year later, I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer

Jenna Scott

Era “demasiado joven” para tener cáncer de colon

Cuando tenía 29 años, me dijeron que mis síntomas eran de un embarazo, pero un año después, me diagnosticaron cáncer de colon de etapa 4

Julie Raeburn

As a Mom, I Always Put My Needs Last – Until Stage 4 Colon Cancer Showed Up

It feels strange to say, but I’m healthier now than I’ve ever been

Carole Motycka

I Walked into the ER with a Shoulder Injury — I Left with a Colon Cancer Diagnosis and 6 Months to Live

As a colon cancer survivor turned advocate, I see the role luck, self-advocacy and privilege played in my diagnosis and treatment


Mature woman contemplating at home, looking out the window

Who’s Most at Risk for Colorectal Cancer?

African Americans and Ashkenazi Jews face a higher risk of colorectal cancer. A growing number of young women might also be at risk.

doctor talking to patient lying down getting ready to have a colonoscopy

Comic: Meg Gets a Colonoscopy

Colorectal screening saves lives

How to Care for Your Mental Health if You Have Colon Cancer

How to Care for Your Mental Health if You Have Colon Cancer

Many colorectal cancer survivors deal with mental health challenges, but the disease doesn’t have to define you

woman with colorectal cancer

Navigating a Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis

A colorectal cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming. Here’s what to do next.

Colonoscopy Concept Painted Watercolor Word

Fast Facts: What You Need to Know About Colorectal Cancer Screening

Learn about what colonoscopies are, when and how to get them, and how they can help prevent colon cancer

close up of female doctor hand wear white coat holds blue ribbon in front of her chest with colon model on table

Colon Cancer 101

Understand the basics of colorectal cancer, who’s at risk and how you can increase your chances of survival if you develop the disease

Doctor greeting patient in a hospital before her colonoscopy

Signs You Should Get a Colonoscopy

Colorectal cancer is increasing in people under age 50, so it's important to know the risks and symptoms for colorectal cancer and see your healthcare professional if you have concerns.

Closeup of a mature businesswoman looking away in a bright office

Colon Cancer Screening Options That Aren't a Colonoscopy

To detect colon cancer earlier, it’s critical to know your options and understand that colonoscopies aren’t the only colon cancer screening option available.

Tips for a Better Colonoscopy

Tips for a Better Colonoscopy

Colonoscopies are essential to preventing colon cancer, but the prep is never fun. Here are some tips for making sure it goes well — and you don't have to repeat it.

10 Things Every Woman Should Know About Colon Cancer

10 Things Every Woman Should Know About Colon Cancer

Without screening, colon cancer can be in an advanced stage before it is discovered. Generally, the earlier colon cancer is found the easier it is to treat.

Colon Cancer

Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is cancer of the large intestine or the rectum, and is often called colorectal cancer. READ MORE


true or false quiz on colon cancer

True or False? Colon Cancer

Take our quiz to see how much you know about this highly preventable disease

Bowel cancer home test kits

Your Guide to Colon Cancer Screening Tests

Knowing your colon cancer test options may help you decide which one is right for you

Bowel cancer home test kits

Guía de pruebas para la detección de cáncer de colon

Saber qué opciones tienes de pruebas de cáncer de colon podría ser útil para que decidas cuál es la adecuada para ti

Treatment Options for Colon Cancer infographic

Treatment Options for Colon Cancer

Early diagnosis makes treatment easier, but there are options for every stage.


Treatment Options for Colon Cancer infographic

Opciones de tratamiento para el cáncer de colon

Un diagnóstico temprano facilita el tratamiento, pero hay opciones para cada etapa

female patient of African-American ethnicity, having an annual medical check-up with a senior male Caucasian doctor

¿Pueden prejuicios raciales restringir el acceso a examinaciones y tratamientos de cáncer de colon para mujeres de color?

Los pacientes de raza negra pueden tener menos posibilidades de que les refieran a examinaciones que podrían reducir las tasas de mortalidad del cáncer de colon

En qué forma la fibra puede reducir tu riesgo de cáncer colorrectal

En qué forma la fibra puede reducir tu riesgo de cáncer colorrectal

Lo que debes saber para recibir suficiente fibra en tu dieta

Sad ethnic woman crying on pouf in apartment

La conexión entre adultos jóvenes y el cáncer de colon

Echaremos un vistazo a la razón por la cual adultos más jóvenes están recibiendo diagnósticos de cáncer de colon y cómo se puede reducir su riesgo