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Bladder Cancer

Real Women, Real Stories

Shannon Murphy

I Started My Dream Job. Then I Was Diagnosed with Bladder Cancer.

Being open and honest with myself and my colleagues helped me balance work and bladder cancer

Shannon Murphy

Obtuve el trabajo de mis sueños. Un poco después me diagnosticaron cáncer de vejiga.

Ser abierta y honesta conmigo y mis colegas fue útil para encontrar un equilibrio entre el trabajo y el cáncer de vejiga

Linda Urbanski

For Nearly a Year, Doctors Dismissed My Bladder Cancer Symptoms as UTIs

In my bladder cancer advocacy work, I see many other women overlooked by medical professionals

Monica Cox

I Became a Bladder Cancer Survivor at 30

Bladder cancer most often affects older adults. My diagnosis was an exception.

It Took 2 Years and a Second Opinion to Find My Bladder Cancer

It Took 2 Years and a Second Opinion to Find My Bladder Cancer

Now I'm cancer-free and helping others understand the disease


Living with Bladder Cancer

Living with Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer affects many aspects of life

Tips for Traveling While Being Treated for Urothelial Bladder Cancer

Tips for Traveling While Being Treated for Urothelial Bladder Cancer

Being treated for UBC shouldn’t keep you from traveling

woman from behind putting a yellow scarf on her head because she has Urothelial Bladder cancer and worried

Life with Urothelial Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer can impact many aspects of well-being, including mental health

Vaginal or urinary infection and problems

Take Our Quiz: What’s the Difference Between Bladder Cancer and a UTI?

Learn more about the similarities and differences between urothelial bladder cancer and urinary tract infections

Mother and adult daughter spending time together

Life After Diagnosis: Navigating the Things You Love with Urothelial Bladder Cancer

Tips to help you maintain your everyday lifestyle after a UBC diagnosis

Cheerful senior woman resting on mature man's shoulder

Sex After Bladder Cancer

Many women struggle with their sexuality after treatment, but it is possible to have a satisfying sex life after bladder cancer

Smoking cigarette on black background

Fast Facts: What You Need to Know About Smoking and Bladder Cancer

Learn how smoking and vaping affect your risk of developing bladder cancer

Senior adult patient talks with doctor

Why Sex and Race Matter in Bladder Cancer Treatment

Although men are more likely to develop bladder cancer, women and Black people have lower survival rates

Dr. Sarah Psutka

A Conversation with Dr. Sarah Psutka About Bladder Cancer

Sarah Psutka, M.D., explains the symptoms associated with bladder cancer and how treatments can affect women’s daily lives

woman with Urothelial Bladder cancer, sits on her sofa posing for a portrait

What Women Need to Know About Urothelial Bladder Cancer

UBC can often be confused with postmenopausal bleeding or UTIs

Bladder cancer awareness marigold blue purple ribbon

Fast Facts: Everything You Need to Know About Urothelial Bladder Cancer

UBC is more common in men, but women often fare worse. Lee Ann Richter, M.D. answers commonly asked questions about this disease.


Doctor urologist making express urine test using indicator paper closeup

10 Reasons You Might Have Blood in Your Urine

Learn what causes blood in urine, and what you should do if it happens to you

Doctor urologist making express urine test using indicator paper closeup

10 razones por las cuales podrías tener sangre en la orina

Conoce qué causa que haya sangre en la orina y lo que deberías hacer si eso ocurre

True or False: Urothelial Bladder Cancer quiz

True or False: Urothelial Bladder Cancer

Take our quiz to test your knowledge of bladder cancer and learn how to decrease your risk

Verdadero o falso: Cáncer de vejiga urotelial

Verdadero o falso: Cáncer de vejiga urotelial

Responde nuestro cuestionario para evaluar tu conocimiento del cáncer de vejiga y para enterarte cómo reducir tu riesgo.


Senior couple on the beach

Cómo recuperar la intimidad cuando tu pareja tiene cáncer de vejiga

Ser la cuidadora de alguien puede cambiar tu relación, pero hay formas para reavivar la pasión

senior woman of African decent who is battling cancer

El cáncer de vejiga y las mujeres de raza negra

Cuando las mujeres de raza negra desarrollan cáncer de vejiga, sus desenlaces clínicos frecuentemente son peores que los de sus contrapartes de raza blanca. Entérate de por qué ocurre eso.

Regreso al trabajo con cáncer de vejiga

Regreso al trabajo con cáncer de vejiga

Hacer un plan y conocer tus derechos puede hacer que trabajar durante y después del tratamiento de cáncer de vejiga sea más fácil

Una buena nutrición durante y antes de un tratamiento contra el cáncer de vejiga

Una buena nutrición durante y antes de un tratamiento contra el cáncer de vejiga

Aquí encontrarás en qué forma la nutrición puede ser útil para ti durante y después de un tratamiento contra el cáncer de vejiga