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Organization's Mission Statement: The YWCA is the oldest and largest women's membership movement in the United States. Three hundred twenty-six YWCAs operate across the country, representing approximately 2 million women, girls and their families. The movement' s mission, to empower women and girls to eliminate racism, is the guiding principle to all YWCA child care, domestic violence, violence prevention, shelter, fitness, and social justice programs.

YWCA is:

  • the largest provider of shelter services for women and their families in the country;
  • a leader in violence prevention, offering programs and services to more than 700,000 women and children annually;
  • the country's largest nonprofit provider of child care services, with 750,000 children participating in child care and after-school programs annually;
  • a comprehensive employment training and placement services agency, enrolling some 100,000 women annually;
  • a leader in sports and physical fitness programs for women and girls;
  • a trusted source for breast cancer referrals, screenings and education services; and a pioneer in the fight for social justice.
Woman Talk
Everything you need to know about women’s health — in one place.