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40 Percent of Women Polled Do Not Recognize Signs of Skin Cancer

That's right. Shocking isn't it?

Or, really, is it?

The results of our latest informal HealthyWomen poll had me scratching my head that nearly half of responders do not recognize the signs or symptoms of one of the most common types of cancer—a disease that sees the incidence rate rising dramatically each year. An additional twenty-five percent of responders report being unsure of skin cancer symptoms.

And so my concern turned to asking myself, "Do I know the signs and symptoms of skin cancer?"

The answer to my own question is yes. As a practicing RN and executive director of a national women's health organization, I am well educated in prevention, detection and treatment on a host of diseases and conditions.  However, it's disturbing to realize how little the average woman knows about her skin health or that of her loved ones.

With summer months upon us, much editorial focus is placed on sunscreen and UV protection.  But, when the damaging results of the exposure have already set in, it's up to health organizations and the media to help educate about skin cancer and how to identify it before it's too late.

More than 1 million new cases of skin cancer are diagnosed each year. While only 8,700 resulted in deaths in 2010, many of those deaths would have been preventable with proper skin protection.

HealthyWomen can provide access to expert dermatologists and medically reviewed source material on skin cancers, skin health and protection.

Our Women's Health Advisory Council and team of medical experts have a national presence and are always at the ready to field questions about this or other trending topics.

You can find statistics on our poll here and other valuable information for your publication throughout our site or by contacting our media relations team for immediate assistance.

As always, HealthyWomen is here to help you in a pinch or with any advance planning or needs!

In good health,
Elizabeth Battaglino Cahill

Woman Talk
Everything you need to know about women’s health — in one place.