A couple weeks ago my 14-month-old daughter, Lena, and I were laughing hysterically at a box of crackers. Her giggle is infectious, and it makes me so happy.
According to a new survey, people with children experience more daily happiness than those without children. I’m definitely happier since having Lena. Crackers weren’t nearly as funny before she came into my life.
The survey was part of a study conducted by the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, during which 131,159 adults were interviewed about their daily happiness. In the end, experts found that adults with kids at home were likely to smile or laugh more on any given day of the week than those without kids.
But here’s the kicker: While adults with kids at home were shown to be happier overall, they also proved to experience more stress on a daily basis. I can attest to that. I find myself waking every night to make sure my daughter isn’t trying to climb out of her crib, which I’ve carefully outlined with pillows just in case she attempts an escape. I’m not sure if her upper body strength could actually pull her out of the crib but you never know, right?!
What I draw from this survey is that my daughter, who I constantly worry and stress about, helps settle my stress by making me happier every day. Evens out, I suppose.
In any case, I’ll take those cracker giggles any day, even if it means a little added stress in my life.