girlfriends hugging and talking

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Are you lonely or feeling disconnected? As we age, it becomes increasingly difficult to make new friends—real friends, I mean. That feeling of belonging begins to become more elusive.

I think there's a phenomena that occurs in one's 30s and 40s where everyone becomes more involved in their own lives—whether it's with their husbands, families, careers or otherwise—and connecting with other women is just not as easy.

Feeling special, cherished and connected can be difficult. Recently I was feeling this way, which caused me to think, how can I meet new people? Here are five ideas I've come up with:

1. Look into local meet-up groups. I was visiting my cousin in Florida and over dinner she was telling me about a meet-up group her and her husband joined to meet other couples. Genius! As soon as I got home, I joined a hiking meet-up group. I can't wait for my first outing.

2. Get involved in a cause. Do you feel passionate about your political beliefs? Helping the environment? Assisting the less fortunate? Do an online search of local organizations and attend an informational meeting.

3. Take a class or join an athletic league. Are you the creative type? How about signing up for a painting or pottery class? More athletic? Try a local sports league or sign up for tennis lessons.

4. Get spiritual. Feeling connected is especially accessible in an environment where that is the goal of the gathering. Have you thought about going to a group meditation or a religious event? How about an intimate yoga class or a nature walk? Find a time and make a date with yourself. You're worth it!

5. Say yes! This is more of an attitude than an activity. When people ask you to join them for an outing or an event, say yes! Even if it doesn't seem exciting at first, you never know who you will end up meeting or what opportunities it may lead to. Being open invites others into your life.

It's your choice; you can sit on you backside at home and feel sorry of yourself, or you can get out there and get connected. I'm guessing you won't regret choosing the latter.

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