HealthyWomen content is for informational purposes only. Please consult your healthcare provider for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

HealthyWomen's latest newsletter provides timely health information for editors, journalists and media insiders

Did we get your attention? We hope so.

HealthyWomen knows you're chasing a deadline, behind the eight ball, and thinking six months out. And we'd like to help you.

Keep an eye open mid-month for this electronic briefing on current content for both long and short leads, filler content for when you need it and a link to request vetted medical experts ready to be interviewed for your health and wellness features.

As the executive director of the nation's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to overall women's health information, I wear many hats. Advocate, spokesperson and registered nurse are just some of the roles I play each day. But in my daily interaction with the media, one resounding question keeps coming up: What does HealthyWomen see trending on the national landscape?

OK, maybe it's worded differently from person to person but the sentiment is the same. In the increasingly changing and competitive landscape of traditional and social media, editorial staff members are looking for content:

  • What's new?
  • What's trendy?
  • What's relevant?

And HealthyWomen is here to help.

For over 20 years, HealthyWomen has been a trusted source for consumers and journalists who look for independent, well-researched medical information. Founded as the National Women's Health Resource Center (NWHRC) in 1988, we have our finger on the pulse and have been changing with the times. We demonstrated this adaptability in our 2009 renaming to HealthyWomen and now by changing how we work with media with Editors' Insider.

Because we're always listening, you'll have an opportunity to make suggestions about what's working, what's not and what other resources you'd like to see included in HealthyWomen's Insider newsletter.

So keep watching, keep suggesting and we'll keep listening. And when you're ready, we'll change it up again!

In good health,
Elizabeth Battaglino Cahill

Woman Talk
Everything you need to know about women’s health — in one place.