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It is imperative that within the framework of the union movement the Coalition of Labor Union Women takes aggressive steps to more effectively address the critical needs of millions of unorganized sisters and make our union more responsive to the needs of all women, especially the needs of minority women who have traditionally been singled out for particularly blatant oppression.

Union women work in almost every industry, in almost every part of the country. Despite their geographical, industrial and occupational separations, union women share common concerns and goals. Full equality of opportunities and rights in the labor force require the full attention of the labor movement...and especially, the full attention of women who are part of the labor movement. The primary purpose of this National Coalition is to unify all union women in a viable organization to determine our common problems and concerns and to develop action programs within the framework of our union to deal effectively with our objectives. This struggle goes beyond the borders of this Nation, and we urge our working sisters throughout the world to join us in accomplishing these objectives through their labor organizations.

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