illustration of a woman at her desk

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With more baby boomers reaching midlife each day and 60 percent of us utilizing social media, my readership has grown since I began back in February. If you've been a loyal follower, thanks for tuning in. But perhaps you've missed a few posts along the way.

And if you're new to Midlife Matters, I'd like to catch you up with some of my most popular and topical posts.

On Beauty

Facing Aging With Aging Faces (My makeover with makeup guru, Laura Geller)
A Trip to a Cosmetic Dermatologist (Questions about lines and wrinkles answered by top dermatologist, Dr. Arielle Kauvar)
A Haircut With Nick Arrojo (He might be a TV star, but he gave us some time, too!)

On Empty Nesting

If Your Child is Going Away to College (A handy health guide)

On Exercise

Exercise and Your Metabolism (With advice from a Canyon Ranch expert)
Does Exercise Make You Hungrier? (And does that mean you shouldn't bother?)
I Hate Exercise (Four common myths debunked)

On Things That Make You Say "Ew!"

Bedbugs Stage a Comeback (They're baaaack)
The Scoop on Cellulite (What helps - and what doesn't)

On Staying Healthy as You Age

Are You D-Deficient? (Don't skip this important vitamin)
Your Blood Pressure (Another reason not to ignore it)

Woman Talk
Everything you need to know about women’s health — in one place.