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October Breast Cancer Awareness Ribbon

Don't Hide From Breast Cancer

I can't see the color pink without thinking about my own diagnosis, which started innocently enough in 1988 with a first-ever screening mammogram at the age of 34.


Prophylactic Mastectomy: Why This Woman Chose It

Isabelle M., writes this: "I've been reading about more and more women opting to have their healthy breast(s) removed. I made that decision years after a mastectomy on my other breast, and I'd like to share my experience with you".

Drinking During Rough Times

Drinking During Rough Times

If you are drinking more to cope with the stress, anxiety or boredom of the coronavirus pandemic, it's important to know how alcohol can affect your health.

pregnant woman eating healthy food at home

5 Essential Products for a Healthy Diet

These products can help make dieting fun, easy and healthful, and they can streamline they can streamline the process of weight loss.

Doctor greeting patient in a hospital before her colonoscopy

Signs You Should Get a Colonoscopy

Colorectal cancer is increasing in people under age 50, so it's important to know the risks and symptoms for colorectal cancer and see your healthcare professional if you have concerns.

5 Diets to Help You Lose Weight While Improving Your Health

5 Diets to Help You Lose Weight While Improving Your Health

Midlife brings changes in metabolism, weight and body shape for most women. The changes may be unavoidable, but there are ways to lose that extra weight healthfully.

How to Protect Yourself Against Medical Errors

How to Protect Yourself Against Medical Errors

Medical professionals are human, and medical errors occur. But there are many steps you can take to protect yourself against medical errors.

Important Things to Know About Coronavirus

14 Important Things to Know About Coronavirus

The coronavirus has reached the U.S. and is spreading, with no vaccine or cure yet, which makes it worrisome. Knowing the facts can help you be prepared and not panic.

Woman at home listening to music and drinking coffee

5 Easy Ways to Make Your Home Heart-Healthy

Try these small tweaks around the house to lessen your risk of heart disease. Little changes can make a big difference in your heart health!

What Every Woman Must Know About Heart Disease

What Every Woman Must Know About Heart Disease

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women over age 35, and yet many women fail to take care of their hearts and don't know the signs of heart disease.

Menopause and Your Heart

Menopause and Your Heart

Both age and menopause increase your risk of heart disease but there are lifestyle changes that can significantly reduce your risk at any age.

What You Don't Know About Your Eyes Could Hurt You

What You Don't Know About Your Eyes Could Hurt You

Too often we ignore symptoms that indicate vision problems—and sometimes there are no symptoms. That's why it's important to know about your eyes and to regularly visit an eye doctor.